Chapter 7

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Upon hearing what her girlfriend said; Tzuyu just huffed in amusement with Sana's logical thinking. Sana was known at Hogwarts as the "Cute and Sexy yet Ditzy and Clumsy Hufflepuff" which irks the young Slytherin every time they use that phrase describing her girl since it not only sounds half derogatory, but because she knows Sana is way beyond those words.

Sana on the otherhand, always reassures her that she doesn't mind having that description towards her because although it may be half true because she IS clumsy and ditzy at times, those are just words by people who don't know the real her and are just superficial perceptions of her so Tzuyu shouldn't be offended by it since she isn't.

Tzuyu: "You know, you're too wise to be a Hufflepuff."

Sana: "So you prefer me to be a Ravenclaw than a Hufflepuff?" She pouted.

Tzuyu just snickered and wrapped her arms around Sana's waist while the shorter girl instinctively wrapped her free hand that wasn't holding the apples around Tzuyu's neck.

Tzuyu: "I don't care about which house you belong to. What matters is you're mine." Sana blushed furiously and pulled Tzuyu's neck and rested their foreheads together while closing her eyes as they both were smiling at each other lovingly.

Sana: "You know, you are too sweet to be a Slytherin either." she chuckled returning back what her girlfriend said just a few seconds ago.

Tzuyu: "You know damn well why I was sorted there right?" rolling her eyes.

Sana: "Uhmmm.. Because you told the sorting hat that you HAVE to be sorted as a Slytherin?" raising an eyebrow knowing Tzuyu's reasoning back then.

Tzuyu just sighed and nodded.

Sana can sense the sadness looming around her girlfriend so she immediately changed the subject.

Sana: "Soooo.. Shall we eat these apples or waste the efforts of these cute little thieves right here?" showing the aegyo faces of both Gucci & Butter.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes once again before grinning and held Sana's free hand leading her to their small patio furniture by the terrace and pulled a chair for her to sit on before taking the apples and went back inside to wash them & find plates after using the Severing Charm to cut the apples in halves before looking at the cabinet and was happy to see she still had leftover peanut butter.

Before the tall Slytherin returned, she checked on the other creatures that were playing in the other side of the room. She peeked through the curtain and saw the creatures just roaming around and socializing with each other; thankfully not causing any trouble or noise. But she noticed Minjoong; her newly acquired Mooncalf on the corner just sitting down looking shy and nervous making the Slytherin sigh at the creature's timidness.

She entered the room and the magical creatures started circling around her to get her attention. After she greeted them; she approached Minjoong who was cowering away further into the corner. 

Tzuyu: "Hey little guy, wanna come with me for a while?" she gave a soft smile to the creature who looked at her with uneasiness. "It's ok, I will not hurt you." The mooncalf stared at her for another few seconds until it slowly stood up on its hindlegs and started following Tzuyu to the veranda where the tall girl smiled seeing Sana watching Gucci & Butter dance infront of her while caressing Kaya's feathered back as they were all perched up on the table. 

Sana: "You guys are really cute." she clapped her hands after the mini-performance of the two critters.

Tzuyu: "I hope they aren't as cute as me though." she chuckled as she sat down on the chair opposite from Sana while the creatures created some space for the plates and the peanut butter. "Come here Minjoong. It's ok Buddy." she gestured for the mooncalf to sit beside her on the left which he did very cautiously, keeping a safe distance from the rest of the creatures who are on the right side of the table since he still doesn't feel comfortable towards others except Tzuyu.

Sana: "Hello Minjoong." she waved at the shy mooncalf who just gave its trademark doe-eyed expression but gave the Hufflepuff a small bow before sitting on the floor and cuddled its head to Tzuyu's thigh making the two girls coo at its cuteness before staring back at each other. "And to answer your question earlier; of course, you will always be the cutest to me." she giggled and caressed her girlfriend's cheek before Tzuyu blushed and coughed a bit feeling embarrassed before taking a piece of apple and dipped it in peanut butter and started eating it with Sana doing the same.

Sana was thinking why Tzuyu had two saucers of apples when she could've used a bigger plate but her thoughts were answered when the younger girl pushed the saucer in front of the three pets who looked at Tzuyu with confusion but the Slytherin just simply nodded her head at them before they started munching on the sliced fruit happily with Tzuyu holding a piece of apple for Kaya to take since the owl was struggling a bit to pick it up and did the same for Minjoong who was enjoying munching off the fruit.

The Hufflepuff just stared at her lover, being amazed on how good she is with the creatures she is taking care of. She was the only one who can witness this side of Tzuyu; of how kind, caring, gentle and sweet she is towards them that she couldn't help but look at her lovingly.

Tzuyu: "I might melt if you keep looking at me like that." she smirked at Sana, whom she saw had been staring at her for a good few minutes through her peripheral vision.

Sana: "Shattap Chou." she threw a seed at her girlfriend's face who just chuckled at her embarrassment.

Tzuyu: " I don't mind really, as long as I'm the only one who you stare at like that."

Sana: "No worries. I only have eyes for you my love."

Tzuyu held Sana's hand that was on the table and held it towards her mouth and kissed the back of it gently making the Hufflepuff swoon along with the creatures who had stopped eating and looked at the sweet exchange between the two students.

Tzuyu: "As do I my love, As do I."

--------------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER----------------------------------------------------

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