Chapter 17

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Both Sana and Tzuyu were on their study table for about an hour already as they were busy going over the lessons they learned for the day with Tzuyu mostly tutoring Sana through most of it since the Hufflepuff isn't really that fast in picking up lessons but her smart Ravenclaw girlfriend was more than willing to help her out and has always been patient with her which Sana appreciates very much.

Sana: "Ugh! This is my 4th wrong answer in a row." holding her hair in frustration as Tzuyu was rubbing her back gently.

Tzuyu: "It's ok San, you'll remember it soon. Ok one more? What potion did Linfred of Stinchcombe create at the 12th century?

Sana: "Uhhhh.. I think I got this. Uhmmm.. The Polyjuice Potion!" she answered enthusiastically.

Tzuyu: "Close love, it's Pepper Potion."

Sana: "HOW IS THAT CLOSE?!" she shrilled because dumping her head on the table in frustration.

Tzuyu: "Because it started with a "P"." trying to lighten up the mood.

Sana: "Are you patronizing me?" she raised her head in annoyance towards the Slytherin.

Tzuyu: "What? Ofcourse not, love. I just don't want you to be so hard on yourself." giving an apologetic smile towards her girlfriend.

Sana: "I'm sorry. I just can't seem to get it right." lowering her head in embarrassment.

Tzuyu: "That's totally fine, love. You just need to keep reading it until you memorize and understand it. You will get it eventually. I believe in you." she kissed her girlfriend's head and caressed it before standing up and going to their cabinet just beside their double bed and pulled out a bag of Popping Pixie Wing Dust sweets for Sana knowing its her favorite.

Sana: "Where did you get this?" knowing it's only available in the Hogwarts Express Sweets Trolley.

Tzuyu: "I bought a bunch of them on the train coming here for you. The rest are still on my trunk in the dorms." showing her dimpled smile.

Sana: "No wonder when it came to our side of the cart; it had one more left." she mused as she opened the package and started eating it happily.

Tzuyu: "Yeah, sorry about that." she chuckled before receiving a kiss from Sana on the cheek making her blush.

Tzuyu: "Why say "sorry" if it was for me all along." wiping the lipstick stain evident on the tall girl's face.

Tzuyu smiled fondly on her happy girlfriend who was still enjoying her snack, glad she made her feel better somehow before taking the Potion's book and started reading it quietly, not bothering her girlfriend's relaxed state.

Sana: "So.." looking at the textbook in Tzuyu's hands. "What do you think about the activity in Potion's Class earlier?" she questioned as casually as she can. Remembering Tzuyu and Mina being partners earlier this afternoon, making her feel insecure all of the sudden.

Tzuyu: "Hmmm.. Not much. You know Professor Slughorn, always making things complicated when it really isn't." Shrugging her shoulders but not removing her eyes off the page she was reading.

Sana: "Is that why you and Mina finished the activity right away?" Looking at Tzuyu who was still concentrating on the book as her girlfriend and Mina finished the activity in just 35 minutes, getting praises by the professor and their co-students while gaining 10 points each for their respective houses.

Tzuyu: "Not really. Mina did most of the work you know; with her being the "Potion's wizard" according to other students and professors."

It's true. Mina was good in almost all the subjects but most notably in Potions and Study of Ancient Runes making her one of the favorites of the professors not to mention she is also pretty and approachable at the same time; getting her a lot of attention from numerous students.

Sana: "Oh really, then she must be an ideal partner then." she said casually, still glancing at her girlfriend.

Tzuyu: "Kind of." shrugging her shoulders once again breaking the Hufflepuff's heart a bit as Mina got a praise from Tzuyu. "But I would've liked it better if you were my partner though." she followed up her answer almost immediately not looking in the blonde's direction since she was taking notes down on her notebook with a quill and ink.

Sana's pale cheeks had a blush almost instantly; not expecting that answer coming from the Slytherin's mouth.

Sana: "W-what?!"

Tzuyu: "I said, I would've liked it better if you were my partner." looking at her girlfriend with a smile showing off her dimples making Sana almost melt at Tzuyu's angelic face.

Sana: "W-why?"

Tzuyu: "What do you mean "Why?"? Because you are my girlfriend ofcourse, and I would've enjoyed doing the experiment with you. It would've made a boring subject like Potions better." she chuckled before finishing her notes.

Sana: "B-but I am not good in Potions as you can tell by now, I might even screw up your grades if we were partners unlike if Mina was your partner." she voiced out her insecurities once again making Tzuyu's eyes furrow with the way Sana is behaving.

Tzuyu: "Huh? Since when did I even care about my grades? And besides, you wouldn't screw up because you are good in a lot of things my love and I will be there to help you if you need anything. Why doubt yourself?" she held Sana's face with both her hands looking into her eyes trying to read Sana as to why she is acting this way.

Sana: "Because I am not as smart as the other witches in class, makes me feel like I don't deserve to be with the smartest witch in class."

Tzuyu: "What? That's ridiculous my love. I love you for who you are. I don't care if you're the smartest witch in our batch or even the dumbest witch, which you aren't ok? What matters is I love you Sana and I love everything about you. No reason to feel like you don't deserve me because I feel like I don't deserve you to be honest."

Sana: *chuckling* "Now you're just saying those things because you are my girlfriend." trying to pull away from Tzuyu's hold.

Tzuyu: "I'm serious, Sana. You are the one who I will choose every single time. OK? I love you. You are too perfect for me that I didn't know what I did to deserve you but I am grateful that you chose me to be yours that I am ready to risk it all just for you if you ask me to. That's how much you mean to me since you are one of the reasons that makes me happy and smile. You know I don't normally do that but I do that because of you. You make me happy and smile."

Sana felt like tears were ready to fall off her eyes so she just hugged her girlfriend almost immediately.

Sana: "I will always chose you every single time my Tzuyu. Because I am yours and you are mine."

-----------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER--------------------------------------------------

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