Chapter 10

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Tzuyu took a deep breathe as she cautiously walked foreword while keeping a close eye on the disgruntled animal, who was fidgeting up a high window  but stopped from time to time once it felt sudden movements from the Slytherin making Tzuyu stop at the same time not wanting it to feel provoked by her actions.

Once Tzuyu got closer but still kept a safe distance, she reached for something inside her cloak making Mina crane her neck a little bit, curious on what the taller girl was getting.

Tzuyu then opened her left palm, she was now holding what looks like pebbles but are actually owl feeds that she personally made for Kaya with the help of Hagrid for the recipe. She started using it as Kaya's main source of food since it is more organic, healthy and gives more energy for Kaya and also provides a calming effect on him than other commercialized feeds being sold.

Tzuyu: "Wingardium Leviosa." she had her wand on her right hand before waving it and casted the spell towards the food and the pebbles slowly started floating and proceeded to form a line one by one going towards Ray.

The owl stared at the levitating feeds and slowly approached the one closest to it and smelled it for a few seconds before pecking on it and ate it then proceeded to start eating the other feeds lined up for it making him descend down the window.

Tzuyu took more feeds from her cloak and placed them on the ground where she wanted Ray to land on before waiting patiently for the owl who was enjoying eating all the pebbles presented infront of him.

Once the owl had safely landed on ground where the young Slytherin placed the numerous bait, she slowly approached the owl by its back carefully not to startle it as Mina and Kaya were looking intensely being nervous for Tzuyu's safety.

With a little hesitation, Tzuyu reached out her hand and thought real hard where to touch Ray remembering what she read in her "Care for Magical Creatures" textbook.

Everyone held their breaths including Kaya who was about to pounce if his owner gets hurt as soon as Tzuyu's hand landed in a certain spot on Ray's back making it stiffen upon contact; but in a matter of seconds; Ray's body started to relax and he started to Coo in delight while still eating the rest of the pebbles as its demeanor changed instantly from agitated and tense to calm and relaxed just by a touch. Mina and Tzuyu sighed in relief while Kaya hovered to the ground and started walking towards Ray and Tzuyu sensing at it was all safe with Mina following behind him.

Mina: "H-how did you do that? You know, let him calm down all of sudden." looking in amazement; seeing the Slytherin still stroking her pet's back.

Tzuyu: "I remembered a passage from our textbook that if you stroke a certain area in the owl's back as gentle as possible; it will calm down almost instantly. But it's just an inch of an area so not everyone can do it successfully especially on the first try." she explained still keeping her eyes on Ray who just finished its food and is now whistling at Kaya who was looking at it with a little concern, still thinking the other owl may attack any minute.

Mina: "But YOU did it successfully." she said complimenting her classmate.

Tzuyu: "Just lucky I guess." shrugging her shoulders before putting her hand out signaling to Ray to perch on which the owl did almost immediately making her sport a small smile which was not gone unnoticed by Mina. "Here, I think he is ready to come back to you."

Mina looked at Tzuyu then towards her owl that looked like its normal self already unlike what she saw a few minutes ago, making her smile. She raised her arm for Ray to transfer to which was done without a hitch before Tzuyu knelt down and helped Kaya stand on her shoulder.

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