Chapter 32

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Everyone didn't move a muscle as they were all staring at the wand on the floor which is very distinctive amongst the others, as it was black with silver bands by the handle resembling vines and snake heads topped off with a white ash pearl on the end that Tzuyu told her Unnies  belonged to her great grandmother witch who was a previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in Hogwarts back on her day. Tzuyu also explained that her parents incorporated it to her wand as a reminder of power, elite, intelligence, tenacity, battle-ready and what the future holds for the young Chou making it hard to miss causing Jihyo and Jeongyeon to recognize it immediately and so did Mina once she got a better look at it.

 Tzuyu also explained that her parents incorporated it to her wand as a reminder of power, elite, intelligence, tenacity, battle-ready and what the future holds for the young Chou making it hard to miss causing Jihyo and Jeongyeon to recognize it ...

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The 3 witches then shifted their gaze towards the Hufflepuff who was internally panicking as to why it fell off her cloak in the first place. She then felt something moving on her pocket and remember that Gucci was still inside probably feeling antsy from the fallen object but she placed her hand immediately inside her pocket subtly for Gucci to take as a sign of reassurance hoping the bowtruckle doesn't exit her pocket and be exposed.

Jihyo: "Why do you have Tzuyu-ya's wand?"

Sana: "Uhhhh.. well.. I.. (come on Sana! Think! Or else you and Tzuyu will get into trouble if you say the wrong excuse) I mean.. I saw Tzuyu's wand fell from her cloak while she was heading down the stairs then I took and and I- I was following her and calling her name, trying to return it back when suddenly she passed out." she glanced at Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Mina who had been staring at her for a few seconds, awaiting her answer.

Jeongyeon: "Oh, ok. Is that why you were chasing after her at the staircase earlier?"

Sana: "Y-yeah. I think she didn't hear me right away because she felt dizzy then fainted."

The three witches nodded their heads, understanding her explanation.

Sana: "Uhmmm.. I'm gonna head back to the hospital wing and give it to Nayeon so she can return it back to Tzuyu once she wakes up."

Jihyo: "Are you sure? I can return it if you want."

Sana: "I-it's fine, Unnie. I was the one who forgot that it was in my cloak in the first place, I will just drop it off real quick then head back to the dorms immediately. Plus I need to walk off the pumpkin pastries I ate during dinner." While rubbing her flat belly.

The two Gryffindors chuckled and nodded their heads as the Hufflepuff reached down to grab the wand and bowed down towards them a little less lower than last time thinking maybe she might drop the magical creature hidden in her pocket this time.

Sana: "Goodnight Jihyo-unnie, Jeongyeon-unnie and Mina." She then started sprinting back to the hospital wing.

Jihyo: "What a nice girl."

Jeongyeon: "Yup but I heard from other students that she's a bit ditzy."

Jihyo: "Really? But I heard from other Hufflepuffs she's one of the best students in Herbology in her year level and Professor Sprout's favorite student since her second year.

Jeongyeon: "Hmmmm.. Maybe looks CAN be deceiving."

The dormmates started heading up the stairs when they turned back and saw Mina still rooted in her spot and was looking at the direction where Sana ran off to.

Jeongyeon: "Mina?" The Ravenclaw then shook her head and turned her head towards the two Gryffindors. "Are you alright?"

Mina: "Uhhh.. Yes, I am fine." She sent them a small smile before following them up the stairs as they assisted her to the Ravenclaw dorms.

Once Sana arrived by the entrance of the hospital wing, she walked towards Tzuyu's bed with Nayeon and Elkie's backs are facing her as she overheard their conversation.

Elkie: "Great job on getting that stick. Now we can take care of Tzuyu and not those other losers." She raised her hand trying to get a high five but Nayeon paid no attention to her as she was busy tucking in Tzuyu with a comforter.

Nayeon: "You should go now, Elkie before curfew hits."

Elkie: "What? You're telling me to leave?"

Nayeon: "We have to be fair. Only I get to stay."

Elkie: "Since when did you play fair?" Crossing her arms and squinting her eyes feeling irritated.

Nayeon: "Since today! Besides, Madam Pomfrey said only one of us gets to stay. If she sees both of us here, she might tell us both to leave and no one will take care of Tzuyu tonight."

Elkie was facing Nayeon and about to argue some more until she noticed someone approaching them through her peripheral vision.

Elkie: "Were you eavesdropping on us?" Glaring at the Hufflepuff.

Sana: "N-no.. I just got here."

Elkie: "What do you want? Why did you come back?"

Sana: "Uhhhh.. Tzuyu dropped her wand at the staircase earlier, I forgot that I grabbed it and followed her to return it back but that was when she lost consciousness.

She pulled out the said wand and handed it over to Nayeon since she doesn't want anything to do with Elkie who was still glaring at her not knowing something else fell off her cloak as well when she pulled out the wand with no one else noticing it.

The older Slytherin took it from her hands and placed it under Tzuyu's pillow remembering that's where her Maknae usually keeps it when she sleeps at night.

Elkie: "Ok, you gave the wand. You may leave, mudblood."

Nayeon: "Elkie.." she said warningly.

Elkie: "What? Tell me I'm wrong." biting back.

Sana was breathing heavily trying to control herself and just looked over Tzuyu's sleeping body, knowing that her girlfriend wouldn't want her to get in trouble if she decides to Expelliarmus Elkie's ass. But her attention drew to a certain magical beast that appeared beside Tzuyu's head making Sana's eyes almost bulge out off its sockets as she reached for her right inner pocket and felt nothing in it and looked back at Gucci who was DEFINITELY  standing beside Tzuyu's head looking concerned and sad for his master.

Sana: "Well, shiiiiii.."

--------------------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER-------------------------------------------------

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