Chapter 37

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Tzuyu was rubbing her head before raising it slightly to look at what she just protected. Her eyes lit up and her head suddenly became numb, feeling no pain when she saw a small green stick-like creature with its arms around its head like it was ducking for cover, unaware that a witch had protected it until it looked up and saw Tzuyu smiling down on it.

Sana: "W-what is that?"

She slowly approached them and crouched down to look at the creature closely.

Tzuyu: "I believe it is called a "bowtruckle", Professor Hagrid discussed about it a few weeks ago during class. He said they are rare to find because of their small sizes and too cautious against witches and wizards so they don't show themselves that much as they hide and camouflaged themselves amongst foliage. It's the first time I ever saw one." she whispered while observing the creature and studying its features, hoping they don't scare it.

Sana: "Oh, I did remember Professor Hagrid discussing about it. Wow. It's so cute in person!" she whispered back while smiling at the miniature plant-like creature who kept staring at the two witches curiously and cautiously like it was assessing if they were friendly or not; until they all saw a red dot drop beside the bowtruckle, slightly startling all of them.

Sana: "Oh no Tzuyu, you are hurt!" she turned to her classmate and saw blood slowly dripping on the side of the Slytherin's head making her panic and covered it immediately using her cloak sleeves hoping it will stop the bleeding right away. "Come on, you need to sit down." pulling Tzuyu's arm, signaling her to stand up and put her on a chair nearby to look at the wound. After observing it, they were thankful that it was just a small cut thinking Tzuyu must've been sliced by a broken piece of the vase. "It looked like the bleeding has stopped." she sighed in relief while patting the wound with her sleeve gently just to be sure. "D-do you feel dizzy or in any pain?"

Tzuyu felt like time stood still as she looked up towards the gorgeous Hufflepuff standing infront of her up close who was busy tending to her her wound that Tzuyu wasn't too concerned of as of the moment and was just lost staring at Sana with adoration.

Sana: "Tzuyu? Hello? Oh no! Do you want me to take you to the hospital wing?" She panicked once again since she got no response from the Slytherin and was just looking at her, thinking she might have a concussion.

Tzuyu: "H-ha? N-no. I'm fine. I... I'm gucci." she blurted out. 

Sana: "Gucci?" raising a confused eyebrow.

Tzuyu: "I-it means "good".. fine.. You know, "I'm good"; "gucci".. "I'm gucci." Get it?" she gave an embarrased chuckle and blushed knowing she sounded cringe as of the moment. "Out of all the adjectives in the world, Chou Tzuyu and you chose you use the word "Gucci" in front of your crush? You're so dumb!" she scolded herself internally while sending a small awkward smile at Sana who was nodding her head in understanding of her lightly chaotic explanation and giggled at bit, finding the Slytherin adorable.

After a few seconds, their "little awkward moment" was interrupted when the small creature that  Tzuyu saved earlier, began climbing on the young Chou's thigh and stood there holding a mesh cloth that is used to protect fruits and plants from insects; it then presented the cloth to Tzuyu which confused the Slytherin but thought the green stick-like figure looked cute and just  accepted it.

Sana: "I think it thinks it's a gauze for your wound." she giggled while pointing at the mesh cloth.

Tzuyu: "I think so too." still staring at the creature who is doing the same thing but was looked like it was silently apologizing with its eyes. Tzuyu then proceeded to pat its head gently as possible using her pointer finger which was appreciated by the creature.

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