Chapter 22

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It's been a week already and Tzuyu has indeed been busy as she said she would.

She and Mina had been studying every night at the library after dinner. They would leave together from the Great Hall and spend their nights hitting the books and go to their dorms after 10PM thinking that 11PM was too late for them, learning from their first night with Jihyo requesting to the Headmistress for 1 prefect to assist the two students back to their common rooms if not her since they are assigned to different areas of the castle to monitor every 3 days, atleast with a prefect escorting them, Mina would feel less scared going to the 5th floor at that late at night and Tzuyu didn't have to drop her off then go back down to the dungeons.

Thankfully Headmistress McGonagall agreed since she really wanted the 2 witches to win the competition, believing that they have a huge shot of winning this year at one of the biggest quiz bees around the world with all wizarding schools participating.

So the pressure of the two students is building up as the day goes by with them going up against witches and wizards who are also on their 4th year; Headmistress has utter confidence in them winning at that grade level with Mina and Tzuyu being partners in it because it's been a while since she had witnessed students with this kind of intelligence.

Sana felt sorry for Tzuyu though; because her girlfriend had been feeling unwell for the past few days; she can see Tzuyu's been sleeping in class more than usual, with bags on her eyes, she also had been walking groggily when entering the classrooms and noticing that the taller girl kept  picking at her food during meals for the past few days. The Slytherin hasn't even had time to meet the pets that often as she promised since she only visited them 2 times in total with Sana  catching her once closing her eyes in the middle of her checkup routine with the creatures. 

Sana did insisting that she can handle watching over the plants and creatures for now and kept reminding her girlfriend that she was perfectly aware on how Tzuyu takes care of the magical pets by observing the young Chou for the past 2 years along with the fact that the magical creatures have already warmed up to Sana except for Minjoong who is still a little timid towards the Hufflepuff but she didn't take offense to it as when Tzuyu first met it, Minjoong was injured by wild animals and was at the verge of losing its life if Tzuyu and Hagrid haven't seen it on time.

At first it stayed at Hagrid's hut but had to be taken in by Tzuyu when it almost got caught by an unexpected visit from the Ministry of Magic. It was a good thing that Tzuyu was there and was able to sneak herself and the mooncalf out of the hut by using a (shrinking spell) to decrease Minjoong's size and hid it in her cloak before running to the "Safe Haven" at the 7th floor,  although it might've traumatized the creature more since it became hostile once it transformed back to its original size just in time .

Flashback: A month ago

Tzuyu was breathless when she arrived in the Safe Haven seeing Sana replanting a newly bloomed Gillyweed that she noticed was growing exceptionally fast, thinking and decided that she will have to give it to Professor Sprout as a new collection to the school's Herbology class.

Sana: "What happened? Why are you sweating so much?" Looking worriedly at her girlfriend before using her yellow scarf to wipe the sweat off Tzuyu's face and neck.

Tzuyu: "I-I just came from Hagrid's. The Ministry of Magic came by unexpectedly for a spot check. They almost saw Minjoong."

Sana: "The mooncalf you and Hagrid found a week ago?" Remembering what Tzuyu said to her right after their trip to the forbidden forest in search of any injured creatures that needed help.

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