Chapter 20

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Jihyo and Mina were walking up the stairs with the Ravenclaw cautiously following the Gryffindor from behind, feeling slightly nervous because of the darkness. Mina then decided to distract herself by talking to the older student in a low voice trying not to wake up anymore sleeping portraits hanging on the walls with Jihyo lowered her wand a bit to dim the light emanating for her wand.

Mina: "C-congrats in making Prefect of Gryffindor this year, Jihyo-unnie."

Jihyo: "Thanks. Professor McGonagall appointment me a few weeks ago. There were a lot of Gryffindors who were applying for it, I'm glad I was the one who was chosen."

Mina: "Well seeing as you are one of the model Gryffindors in recent memories I am not surprised."

Jihyo: "You are too sweet. Is there anything you need from me?" She chuckled.

Mina: "N-nothing Jihyo-unnie. I just heard many good things about you."

Jihyo: "Really now? Well I'm flattered. Hehe. If you need anything, just ask me ok? I can help in anyway that I can. Don't be shy." Looking back and sending Mina a sweet smile.

Mina: "T-thank you Jihyo-unnie."

Jihyo: "Anyway, sorry about Heechul earlier. He tends to be rude at times to other students. I will talk to him about it."

Mina: "I-it's alright, but he just kept insulting Tzuyu especially towards her brother. It got on my nerves."

Jihyo: *sighs* "Yeah, Heechul and Li-Jie, Oppo weren't exactly friends from the start till Li-Jie graduated last year. Both of them have strong personalities and they just hated each others guts with Heechul's type A personality while Li-Jie being mischievous and always getting into trouble. They tend to butt heads a lot and their arrogance makes them clash with others not only themselves. But still.. It was unfair for Heechul to compare Tzuyu to her older brother because they are nothing alike in terms of attitude. He just made his own conclusion just because they are related." she shook her head in disappointment.

Mina: "Seems like you know Tzuyu and her brother well."

Jihyo: "Mmmm.. Well Tzuyu mostly, but we all grew up in the same neighborhood along with Jeongyeon. I knew Tzuyu since she was 4 years old while Jeong and I were 6. I became friends with Jeongyeon first because her parents sold us the house beside theirs so their family welcomed us making Jeong and I become instant friends. Tzuyu's house was just 2 houses away from ours and one day, our family cat; Bbuyo ran out of our open door so Jeongyeon and I went looking for him."


Jihyo: "Bbuyo! Bbuyo!"

Jeongyeon: "He could be anywhere." she exclaimed while catching her breath. "We should ask your mom for help, let her cast a spell that can bring him back. I think it's called "Achoo"?

Jihyo: "What? "Achoo?" Are you sneezing?"

Jeongyeon: "I dunno. I heard my mom saying something like that while holding her wand when she wanted a plate from the high shelf."

Jihyo: "I cannot tell mom I lost Bbuyo, she will get angry and I have to sweep the floor for a week like what muggles do so we have to find her."

The two young witches continued their search until they arrived in a huge, old, vintage house that had the gate opened.

Jihyo: "Let's try that house over there."

Jeongyeon: "I don't think so, Dad said not to come near that house. He said the people there don't talk that much."

Jihyo: "But the gate is open, Bbuyo could be inside."

The smaller witch ran towards the gate with Jeongyeon following her unwillingly as they went around the house towards the backyard where they saw a small girl with long, dark hair covering the rest of her face while she was stooping down and caressing something on her arms.

Jihyo: "BBuyo!"

The young girl turned to their direction looking shocked with the sudden noise she heard.

The small girl observed the two young intruders who entered her backyard. One had black short-hair in a bobcut with bangs, round wide eyes, fair-skinned, about her height but definitely looked older than her. While the other one was taller than her with black hair tied but had bangs as well, brown slightly slanted eyes, also fair-skinned although her aura was more mild mannered than the first witch but it made the young witch walk back a bit and lower her head while still holding the cat in her arms.

Jihyo: "T-that's my cat, BBuyo." she slowly approached the small witch but couldn't see her whole face just yet as half of it was still covered by her long, black straight hair. "Did BBuyo run here?"

The small witch nodded her head.

Jihyo: "Bbuyo doesn't like it when strangers touch him. H-how did you do that?" 

The young witch shrugged her shoulders not knowing why. The British Shorthair cat just ran their garden and slowly approached the young witch after observing her for a few seconds while  she was sitting on the porch steps reading a book and the feline proceeded to lie down on the future Slytherin's feet surprising her but decided to pet it slowly as it purred immediately through her touch, making the young witch smile a bit, watching the cat cuddle further into her and letting her carry it just minutes before Jihyo and Jeongyeon came.

Jihyo: "Hmmm.. Weird." she murmured, still confused of BBuyo's reaction towards the young witch. "I am Jihyo. What is your name?"

"T-tzuyu." It came off as a whispered, feeling shy all of the sudden.

Jeongyeon: "Huh? I didn't hear that."

Tzuyu: "M-my name is T-tzuyu." a little louder this time but still soft in Jihyo and Jeongyeon's standards who are known to have loud voices.

Jeongyeon: "Oh Tzuyu! Hi! I am Jeongyeon." waving her hand. "Wanna come play with us?"

Tzuyu looked at the backdoor of her home with contemplation.

Tzuyu: "M-mother might get mad if I go somewhere." she said with a frown.

Jihyo: "We can play here if you want." she said as she looked around the backyard which was huge that it had a pool in it with flowers everywhere and some patio furniture.

Tzuyu: "Uhhhh.."

Jeongyeon: "Pleaseee?" 

Tzuyu saw the older witches pouted making her sigh but nodding her head eventually making them cheer and Jeongyeon getting a clip from her pocket and placing it on Tzuyu's hair so it won't cover her face so much making them compliment how pretty the young witch was before they started playing around the backyard along with Bbuyo who can acts like it had known Tzuyu all it's life.

End of Flashback:

---------------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER----------------------------------------------------

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