Chapter 41

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Everyone turned their heads towards the direction of the entrance of the hospital wing and saw a slightly elderly man and woman approaching them; followed by Professor McGonagall and the Head of the Slytherin House; Professor Slughorn. As all the girls shivered instantly upon seeing the couple knowing exactly who they were except Mina.

Tzuyu: "Mother? Father? W-what are you doing here?" Nayeon and Elkie stepped aside as did Jihyo, Sana and Mina; as they parted like the red sea to give way for the adults and bowed their heads towards them as a sign of respect and greeted their professors right after.

Mrs. Chou: "To visit you ofcourse. As soon as Headmistress McGonagall sent us a letter early this morning; we took the flying limo and sped off here." she waltz towards her daughter with her and her husband looking like a million bucks as per usual making everyone else around them look small and inferior.

Mrs. Chou's outfit:

 Chou's outfit:

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Mr. Chou's Outfit:

Tzuyu: "Y-you didn't have to come here, mother

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Tzuyu: "Y-you didn't have to come here, mother." she tried to sound tough but her voice was giving it away since she still feels very physically weak.

Mr. Chou: "Nonsense, we couldn't sleep not knowing our only prized daughter isn't feeling well. And we haven't heard from you these past 2 weeks because of your owl: Kira's injury."

Tzuyu: "His name's Kaya, father." she answered while gritting her teeth together knowing her father doesn't exactly give a damn about her pet or anything else about her that is unrelated to her studies.

Mrs. Chou: "Anywho, we just wanted to make sure you are feeling better." she touched her daughter's forehead and sensed it still being warm to touc, feeling the heat coursed through her gloves.

Madam. Pomfrey: "Hello goodevening Headmistress and Professor Slughorn." she greeted the professors as she approached behind them not seeing Tzuyu's parents just yet until they all turned around.

Headmistress McGonagall: "Goodevening Madam. Pomfrey, Miss Chou's parents are here to check up on her."

Madam. Pomfrey: "Oh, goodevening Mr. & Mrs. Chou." she bowed her head and walked to the other side of the bed beside Jeongyeon to have a closer look at Tzuyu who looked a little better than earlier but she can still see the effects of the Dragon's Flu towards the student.

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