Chapter 34

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Nayeon had been taking care of Tzuyu the whole night and she probably only slept for about 2 hours accidentally even if Madam Pomfrey and her assistant nurse told her she can get some rest for the night as they confirmed that the younger Slytherin's temperature subsided after a few hours but Nayeon just wanted to watch her Maknae a little longer.

As she was staring at Tzuyu she couldn't help but smile at the younger girl's peaceful angelic features which always radiated a soft, feminine and calm aura unlike what she usually sports when she is awake as her cold, flat affect usually dominates her facial features. But Nayeon was already used to it since Tzuyu was a Chou and their family possessed that kind of character. She then remembered the first time she met the young Chou a few years back.


Nayeon was standing in front of the mirror looking at her mother who was fixing the green bow she tied above her daughter's head.

Mrs. Im: "There we go. Now, you know what to do tonight, right Nayeon?"

Nayeon: "Yes mother. Meet new elite kids, behave myself and do not show any signs of weakness to anyone."

Mrs. Im: "Very good." she smiled before bending down and turning Nayeon around to face her. "Show me how do you introduce yourself to others?"

Nayeon: "Hello, I am Im Nayeon. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Mrs. Im: "Nice job, sweetheart. Be proud of your family name and never forget to show your confidence. There are a lot of important people in this party tonight and your father and I would be happy if you behave your best and be nice to the other kids who will attend because they will be your future friends in Hogwarts and they may help you in securing your future and rule the school. Ok?"

Even in a young age, Nayeon was already taught by her parents that name, money, power and status are important in life and Nayeon knew better than to bring her parents shame.

Mrs. Im told her to wait a bit while she had to get something from her and her husband's bedroom which Nayeon nodded her head and sat on her bed with her hands folded on her lap just as what her mother teaches her to do until she heard a knock on her door.

Nayeon: "Yong-oppa!" she raised her arms and kicked her feet in excitement, seeing her older brother entering the door with a smile on his face.

Yong: "Hello princess." they hugged each other tightly since they missed each other very much.

Nayeon: "Did you just came back from Hogwarts?"

Yong: "Yup. Just dropped my bags in my room and ran here to see you." 

Nayeon: "You can come with us to the big party tonight then!" she explained happily.

Yong: "Uhmmm.. I don't think it's a good idea, Nabong." he sent a sad smile.

Nayeon: "B-but, I don't know anyone there and the other kids might be mean to me."

The young man sighed before kneeling down in front of Nayeon and pinched her cheek as a sign of affection for his half-sister.

Yong: "You have nothing to be scared of ok? You are Im, Nayeon. Daughter to one of the high ranked officials in the Ministry of Magic. Why will you be nervous of others? Your mother taught you well on how to become confident and unafraid. I believe you will make new friends in that party, just be yourself and have fun. Don't forget to be a kid and be kind, ok Nabong? Not every kid witch or wizard is the the same, sometimes you have to show compassion for someone who you feel needs someone as amazing and beautiful like you." 

Nayeon nodded at her brother, agreeing with what he said before her brother pulled out something from his jacket and it was a flower bracelet that looked like a lily making Nayeon's eyes sparkle.

Nayeon: "It's pretty."

Yong: "Anything for my princess Nabong." he chuckled , placing the bracelet on her wrist and hugging his sister once again before the door opened, showing Nayeon's mother who changed her facial expression from happy to irritated once she got a glimpse of Yong with her daughter.

Mrs. Im: "We have to go, Nayeon. Your father is waiting at the car."

Yong: "Go on, Nabong. Enjoy yourself."

Nayeon nodded her head and stood up, hugged her brother one more time and left their home with just her mother and father as they set off towards the dinner full of elites and their families.

Once they have have arrived, they were immediately greeted by people who in Nayeon's eyes looked incredibly important as they wore the same clothes as her parents along with fancy jewelry as accessories that Nayeon can't help but think that she might be blind if she makes direct eye contact with them.

Mr Im: "Mr. & Mrs. Chou. Good evening." 

Nayeon saw he parents bow down towards a couple who looked like they were on a league of their own, with people looking at them with respect and fear at the same time. Even the young Im felt her knees shaking upon looking at the tall man and woman in front of her.

Mr. Chou: "Ahhh Mr. Im. Good evening to you and your family. How are things in the 10th floor?"

Mr. Im: "Quite busy Sir. But probably not as busy as the 15th floor." he chuckled as to make small conversation with his boss as Mr. Chou nod his head in agreement before sipping his wine. 

Mr. Chou: "Is this your youngest child?"

Mr. Im: "Why yes Sir, Nayeon. Please introduce yourself to Mr. and Mrs. Chou."

Nayeon: "Hello, I am Im Nayeon. It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Mrs. Chou: "Wow, what a polite child. How old is she?"

Mrs. Im: "Thank you Ma'am. Nayeon is already 10." she bowed down.

Mrs. Chou: "So she will be going to Hogwarts next year, I assume?"

Mrs. Im: "Yes Ma'am."

Mr. Chou: "Well, let's hope she'll be sorted to Slytherin then." he chuckled.

Mr. Im: "Oh yes Sir, we already taught her that. Nayeon, what house would you like to be in when you go to Hogwarts?" 

Nayeon: "SLYTHERIN!" she shouted causing people around her to cheer and raise their glasses along with other bystanders near them upon hearing the house name.

Mr. Chou: "Very well. I hope you taught her to choose her friends wisely too Mr. Im. You don't want to make the same mistake twice for your children." he eyed his colleague while him and his wife sipped their drinks as the Im couple swallowed hard before answering back.

Mr. Im: "Don't worry Mr. Chou. Nayeon is different. She will be a real elite just like all of us." he forced a smile along with his wife as they clinked glassed with the Chou couple that was in front of them as they nod in approval with Nayeon furrowing her eyebrows as to not understanding what Mr. Chou meant with "same mistake twice?".

--------------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER-----------------------------------------------

I added a Nayeon flashback as to give a little sneak peek about Nayeon's home life and NaTzu's early friendship because it may become vital to the upcoming chapters ahead :)

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