Chapter 2

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As the class continued; Tzuyu was on the brink of sleeping again when Kaya pecks her a bit to get her attention making sure her Master doesn't get reprimanded yet again by her professor.

As the class continued; Tzuyu was on the brink of sleeping again when Kaya pecks her a bit to get her attention making sure her Master doesn't get reprimanded yet again by her professor

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Tzuyu: "I know, I know Kaya." she whispered while stroking her pet's fur seeing the disappointed look on its face. "But you have to admit, you're just as bored and hungry as I am." she told the owl who was looking at her with disinterest and Tzuyu could've sworn it furrowed it's eyebrows at her which made her chuckle sensing her pet isn't having any of her excuses as to why she should be sleeping at class despite of her high intellect.

Headmistress McGonagall: "Miss Chou, is something funny?" as she caught the young student snickering at the far left of the table.

Tzuyu: "N-nothing Headmistress McGonagall."

Headmistress McGonagall: "Well your snickering doesn't help, especially since I have seen you dozing off for an hour already. Stand up and tell me; which spell is used to transfigure an object into a rabbit?"

Everyone in the class was now looking at the young Chou awaiting her answer and seeing if she gets this one right as it was one of the spells mentioned a hour ago.

Tzuyu: "Nayeon-ifors.." she whispered getting a pinch from Nayeon who was beside her knowing she was being teased by the younger girl who was associating her with a "rabbit".

Headmistress McGonagall: "What was that Miss Chou, louder please for us to hear."

Tzuyu: "Lapifors, headmistress." using her normal volume although still soft but can be still heard at the whole classroom due to the echo.

Headmistress McGonagall: "Ok Miss Chou. And which incantation changes a person's hair color?"

Tzuyu: "Crinus Muto, headmistress McGonagall."

Headmistress McGonagall: "Very well again Miss Chou. You may sit down but I better not see you dozing off again. 15 points to Slytherin. It would've been 20 if I didn't caught you sleeping." she mumbled the last sentence while turning her back and continuing her discussion.

The Slytherin students started smirking and high fiving each other from the points Tzuyu received for their house. But the tall girl doesn't care about any of it since she wasn't necessarily a competitive person unlike her family but also she just doesn't see the importance of winning the House Cup except the winners rubbing it on other Houses' faces.

Nayeon: "Nice one Tzu2x. You're totally carrying this House just like what your older brother did." she whispered to her seatmate who just shook her head showing it wasn't a big deal.

Elkie: "And because of that, you will receive a free smooch from me after class in any part of your body of your choosing." she whispered at Tzuyu's ear as she too was sitting beside her while sending a flirtatious smile.

Tzuyu: "Your lips will meet my foot once I step on your face if you try to kiss me." sending a warning glare towards her friend who backed away immediately making Nayeon snicker.

Elkie: "Can't say I didn't try." raising her shoulders up in defeat while chuckling as Tzuyu rolled her eyes being sandwiched by her two friends who are getting on her nerves.

There was still 40 minutes left of their Transfiguration class and Tzuyu felt likeshe was going to pass out due to boredom and apparently majority of the class feels the same way.

Nayeon: "Ugh.. I swear I am going to fall from this chair any minute." she whispered to her friends sensing her drowsiness that even her cat Kookeu is already asleep in front of her.

Elkie: "I need some entertainment." she whispered at her friends with a frustrated sigh as she looked at her pet cat Mochi who was busy playing with her toy mouse. She then looked over at the girls sitting in front of her and her friend's table; namely Momo and Sana who were Hufflepuffs.

Elkie saw Momo sneaking some snacks from her bag and secretly started munching on them without Headmistress McGonagall seeing her as she swiftly placed the open bag beside her for easy access giving Elkie an idea.

She saw another Hufflepuff student sleeping a table away from Momo with its toad sitting innocently infront of him. Elkie smirked and secretly waived her wand from her robe and whispered "Wingardium Leviosa" towards the toad making it float towards Momo's bag and dropped it inside without anyone noticing it except Nayeon who was trying so hard not to laugh.

Tzuyu: "What are you laughing at?" tearing her eyes away from her book towards her friend.

Nayeon: "Oh nothing." she whispered back trying to act like she is busy with her nails making Tzuyu raise her eyebrows.

Elkie was smirking back at her seat waiting as she sees Momo blindly reaching for her bag with the mischievous Slytherin awaits for the imminent chaos to erupt in..




Momo: "Ahhhhhh!!!"

Everyone including Headmistress McGonagall looked at Momo as she stood up emptying her bag full of snacks and school supplies along with a startled toad that began jumping off from table to table rattling the rest of the pets in the class causing havoc to both students and their animals.

Headmistress McGonagall: "Everyone settle down and contain your pets now!" She tried to give instructions towards her students thinking they will think clearly and know how to wrangle up their pets but sadly all she saw were students running around trying to catch their cats, toads, rats and owls that were running, jumping and flying loose looking like a zoo stampede.

Tzuyu: "Kaya get back here!" she made her voice louder than usual trying to get her owl's attention but it was too busy trying to dodge other animals coming its way.

Momo: "Dobby! Don't put that rat in your mouth, that's not food." she exclaimed while chasing her cat that was running after some classmate's pet rat planning to make it it's early lunch.

Nayeon: "Kookeu! Get down from that cabinet right now!" Pleading at the black and white fluffy cat that was on top of the bookshelf at the end of the room shaking its paws from the chaos.

Sana: "Shy! How did you end up on that chandelier!" she screamed at the orange tubby cat that was swinging from the chandelier meowing in distress.

Amidst the mayhem happening; Elkie took the unopened snack Momo had that was on the floor; opened it and started munching on it with her cat on her lap posing the similar smirk her master is doing while holding someone's wand on its mouth as they enjoyed the bedlam around them.

As the chaos continued, Tzuyu was able to whistle the familiar tune that Kaya was trained to hearing, signaling for it to return to his owner as it perched on Tzuyu's awaiting arm immediately but they heard Sana scream in front of them as they saw Shy slowly slipping off the chandelier above making Tzuyu release Kaya silently ordering it catch the now falling cat.

Kaya was able to catch the feline using its back as a cushion to break its fall but it caused the owl to become hurt from the weight and gravity it received making Tzuyu ran and catch the two pets just in time breaking their potential fall since Kaya was gaining too much speed trying to land to the ground.

Sana saw the commotion and ran towards Tzuyu who was on the ground clutching onto Shy and Kaya. She was about to bend down when they heard Headmistress McGonagall scream with a very loud voice.

Headmistress McGonagall: "Enough of this! Immobulus!"

----------------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER------------------------------------------

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