Chapter 15

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As soon as Mina and Tzuyu arrived; everyone was staring at them seeing as both girls looked sweaty and slightly bewildered yet they still looked good at the eyes of almost all the students in the classroom since the Slytherin and Ravenclaw always radiated a "fresh and royalty-like aura" around them no matter their mood or appearance was.

Mina: "W-we apologize professor for being late. Headmistress McGonagall called us to her office to discuss about the Wizarding Quiz Bee. But we ran as fast as we could as soon as she dismissed us." she explained in her soft and sweet voice while Tzuyu was just standing behind her, letting Mina to the talking. They were still breathing a little bit heavily from the running they did, explains why they were perspiring so much.

Professor Slughorn: "It's quite alright Miss Myoui. Have a seat you two, you looked exhausted already. There's a table here up front; you and Miss Chou will be partners for the experiment today."

Both girls nodded and slowly walked towards the front of the class and settled in their seats with their table beside Sana & Dahyun's.

Professor Slughorn continued with his discussion about the potion they will be brewing in a few minutes as the students started to return their attention to the old wizard in front of them; but Sana was busy stealing glances at her girlfriend who was just inches away from her left but the young Chou was busy preparing her stuff for their activity since they were late and were trying to catch up with the class.

Sana noticed Tzuyu handing Mina her Ravenclaw robe which she was carrying as soon as they entered the classroom with the Japanese witch taking it with a small smile while Tzuyu took hers off, feeling hot under the heavy clothing she was wearing along with the running her and Mina did from the headmistress' office to the Potion' classroom causing excited murmurs coming from some of their classmates making Sana's ears perk up and was subtly listening to the voices behind her as she was born with a keen sense of hearing like a cat as her mom would like to say, making her hear very well the multiple discussions coming from behind.

"Oh my Godric! She looked so hot doing that."

"I can see her back muscles through her shirt."

"Tzuyu-yah, just one chance please.."

"Excuse you, she won't be interested in a mudblood like you.."

Sana can feel her head spinning from all the people murmuring in the classroom behind her  especially when the topic was about her secret girlfriend who was being praised by a lot of her classmates. 

The blonde then took a quick glance at Tzuyu who she noticed was still sweating with her white long sleeves folded up into 3/4th and hair tied low (remember the Tzuyu- La La Land hairdo in WIL) while setting up their materials; but what caught the Hufflepuff's eye was Mina getting a handkerchief from her cloak a few minutes later then started lightly dabbing Tzuyu's forehead before the Slytherin had any time to react making Sana's eyes widen along with Tzuyu from the sudden action done by the Ravenclaw.

Tzuyu: "What are you doing?" She whispered and took a step back a bit away from the Japanese girl.

Mina: "I'm s-sorry. I just saw you sweating so much. So I tried wiping it off." Scolding herself internally realizing again that Tzuyu doesn't like any form of physical contact.

Tzuyu: "You should have given the handkerchief to me instead. I could've done it myself." She answered coldly before going back to her task in setting up their table.

Mina: "S-sorry again, Tzuyu." She apologized meekly then took out her textbook and started taking her notes for today's lesson that she studied in advance feeling sad that she might have overstepped her boundaries again towards Tzuyu.

Sana heard their conversation and she knew that the younger girl was just as irritated as her from Mina's action; but what made the blonde's mood worse, was hearing even more murmurs coming from the students who saw the interaction.

"Wow, Mina that was quick and sweet of you."

"I wonder if there's a spell to turn me into a handkerchief."

"Mina is so lucky."

"Mina? I think Tzuyu's the lucky one."

"Have a little respect to the single witches and wizards in the back."

"So the rumors must be true."

"Shhh they might hear you."

Sana felt like someone did a Cruciatus Curse on her heart upon hearing those statements from the other students especially those thinking that Mina and Tzuyu are a couple or an item, not knowing Tzuyu was already taken by her. But she had no right to be mad at Tzuyu, seeing as the Slytherin dismissed Mina's actions right away, although it still hurt that someone can do this to Tzuyu in public and not her; in the fear of having rumors like this might start swirling around the school.

Sana: "Moaning Myrtle is right. Tzuyu DOES have a lot of admirers. And Mina might indeed be one of them." She told herself while sending out dagger stares towards the Japanese Ravenclaw unknowingly who had her attention now to the professor as did her girlfriend who was unaware of the blonde girl's internal struggle of not beating the crap out of Mina.


Sana's was knocked out of her thoughts with a call of her name along with a subtle tap on the arm.

Sana: "Eh?"

Dahyun: "Sorry, you must have spaced out. I just asked if you are ready to start the activity?" seeing other students now walking around the classroom getting ingredients from shelves and began brewing the potion for today.

Sana: "Uhhh.. Yeah, sure. But I don't know if I will be any much help." She pouted knowing she isn't that good in her classes being a regular B-grade student except for subjects like Herbology and Charms that she excels at.

Dahyun: "Don't worry. You can count on me." Giving her ever so big and charming smile. "And my offer still stand by the way if you need any extra help. I'm here at your service."

Sana: "Thanks Dahyun." nodding her head. "Let's start then?"

Sana smiled back at the Gryffindor before they began the activity not knowing that a certain Slytherin was looking at their direction with her eyebrows furrowed observing the Gryffindor's rather overly friendly approach towards her always kind and outgoing Hufflepuff girlfriend.

------------------------------------------------END OF CHAPTER---------------------------------------------

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