Chapter 55- The Billboard Awards 2017 Arrival

Start from the beginning

"Here, Miss Dion," Namjoon smiles, handing me a plate with some food.

"She also said I was here Québec sister," I say smugly, taking a bite.

"You gonna go join her to form a group," Jungkook laughs grinning.

"That would be some killer vocals," Yoongi chuckles.

"Urgh, guys, it was so unbelievable," I say still thinking about it, "it felt so good, she's such a good singer, it was a bit intimidating joining her in the ad-libs honestly".

"I'm sure it turned out great," Hoseok reassures me, "all that Yoona noona had told me was that it was really good and she got shivers. So it was obviously good".

"I wish I could've been there," Taehyung says sadly, "that sounds like such an amazing experience".

"I'll bring you along, next time," I grin.

"You can't stop smiling," Jimin chuckles standing up and picking up some of the plates to put on the counter, so the cleanup was easier for staff.

"Do you think we're going to be getting anyone else's numbers?" Yoongi asks out loud to no one in particular.

"I don't know, hopefully," Hoseok says, starting to pick up the glasses, "people might not want to interact with us though".

"We are nobody's to them," Jungkook agrees, "why would they want to".

"Why are you guys so negative," Seokjin frowns, "who knows, and plus when you have fans like we do, people might be drawn to that".

"Yeah, ARMY are definitely going to attract a lot of press to us... hopefully," Namjoon says, "if they show up. American ARMY might be different at award shows".

"Stop being negative!" Seokjin shouts, sighing in anger at our lack of expectations.

"No, hyung is right," Hoseok nods, "it's gonna be great".

He clapped trying to hype up the team.

"Yeah, if Y/N's experience with Celine Dion is anything to go by, people seem to respect us," Taehyung agreed.

"Yeah, come on guys," Jimin shouts clapping, "ARMY will back us up".


May 21st, 2017:

We had done several pre-award show interviews for news outlets and Billboard. Everyone seemed baffled at the idea that there was only one girl in the group. At every interview, I was pointed out and the question was asked. It was getting very, very repetitive, but then again that was kind of the gist of these interviews. We had also gone to a nice restaurant together, and Yoongi, Taehyung, Seokjin, Hoseok, and I had gone to a performance by Cirque du Soleil.

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