4-10: 1v1 II/S4 Finale

Start from the beginning

Masaru quickly emerges from the rubble and can't seem to find Annihilus. He roars in triumph and starts walking away, but turns around after hearing Annihilus pushing away the debris.

Annihilus is bruised and bleeding from the beatdown; while he's able to shake off the damage, his defenses begin to weaken. Despite this, Annihilus stands up more determined.

Annihilus stomps onto the ground, creating an earthquake that shakes the Earth as his power and rage escalate to tremendous magnitudes.

Masaru is oblivious to Annihilus's new power and lets out a roar before the two run and clash their fists in an intense punch that levels the whole city and nearly destroys the continent.

Masaru stumbles from Annihilus's superior strength; but recklessly resumes to assault Annihilus.

The two tank each other's blows, but Masaru begins to flinch as Annihilus overshadows him with his increasing power.

Annihilus gains the upper hand and slams Masaru on the ground.

Annihilus stomps his foot on Masaru's left arm so hard it is crushed and nearly breaks off.

After screaming in pain, Masaru grows a ki blade on his right hand and impales Annihilus's right leg.

Annihilus steps back to recover as Masaru heals his broken arm in an instant.

Masaru grows more ki blades on his arms and stabs Annihilus's right arm when the green giant tries to punch him.

Annihilus's healing factor is unable to keep pace, as Annihilus begins to slow down from his pain.

Masaru keeps making more ki blades and rapidly repeatedly puts them through Annihilus in multiple areas: impaling him with dozens of massive spikes.

Annihilus falls to his knees in pain and exhaustion as Masaru laughs and cracks his knuckles.

"The Saiyan" starts punching Annihilus's face repeatedly like a punching bag, resulting in a lot of green blood covering the screen.

Masaru's merciless thrashing accelerates with both speed and ferocity with each blow. Masaru then places his hand on Annihilus's head.

Masaru rips Annihilus's head off by growing a ki blade on his left knee. He holds the deceased Kings head in triumph while roaring.

He collapses but the battle isn't over yet.

The Bug creatures are still overwhelming the heroes so Masaru slowly realizes something and sighs.

Out of no where portals take the heroes to Dr. strange.

"Stephen what're you doing?" Steve asks

"There's no other way." Stephen says

Everyone slowly realizes as Masaru stands in the middle of the army, he then sends out a telepathic broadcast, "Hey everyone...I realize that...I can't save you all from everything, I can't be there for everything, And I won't always be around. And the more you kill these things the more they return...so I'm going to obliterate them all...and myself in the process."

"Masaru I am your mother and I'm telling you to stop what you're doing!" She shouts

"I'll miss you Ma." Masaru says


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"What has to be done..." Masaru says as the bugs begin to close in on him, "Farewell, Mother, Peter...And I'll Always love you...Gwen Stacy."

The Heroes run over and find nothing, but they do find a statue

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The Heroes run over and find nothing, but they do find a statue. They get closer and see it is a statue of Masaru.

The heroes soon realize the truth and Carol breaks out into tears, Iron-Ghost stumbles out and sees it, her eyes widen as she removes her mask.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" Carol screams

The Lot Of The Team Mourn In Different Ways...Crying, Looking down, or being too tough to admit you're sad.

We cut back to Carol who's now crying while helping a crying Gwen, as a wind blows the statue turns to ash and flows in the wind and vanishes.

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