- Aftermath: Internship's -

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"There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them." – Ralph Marston

"Oooh~, Hey, Bakugo! Your new hairstyle looks amazing! You should totally keep it like this," Mina chirped, her enthusiasm evident.

However, instead of receiving a gracious or even a mildly appreciative response, The Pinkett was met with Bakugo's trademark brashness.

"What the hell are you blabbering about?!, This damn hairstyle?, The goddamn hero I interned with changed it.“

“Also the damn old hag thought it was worth keeping. It ain't for some stupid fashion show!." she retorted sharply

"Wow, you got to fight villains? I'm so jealous!" Hagekure exclaimed to Jiro, expressing her admiration.

"It's really not something to be jealous of, considering what happened a month ago.“

“Besides, I just helped people evacuate and provided logistical support, so I didn't engage in any actual fighting," Jiro explained, recalling the recent events.

"But it still sounds like so much fun!" Hagekure persisted

"I've spent basically the whole time training and cleaning the ship deck, though there was this one day we caught a bunch of drug smugglers," Asui shared, recounting her activities.

"Okay, that's cool," both Jiro and Hagekure acknowledged, showing their interest in Asui's experiences.

Turning to Uraraka, Asui asked, "How about you, Ochaco? How was your week?" observing the sudden surge of energy around the spirited brunette, a pink-purple aura enveloping her.

"I'd say it was really enlightening," Uraraka said, throwing a series of punches into the air.

"Yeah, that battle hero must've been something else," Jiro mused

As the chatter continued, Kaminari glanced around, noticing a shift among certain individuals.

He paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

"Hey, have you guys noticed something interesting?" he interjected, drawing their attention.

"It's those four," he pointed to Iida, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Y/N,

"it doesn't take a genius to know they changed the most the past week.“

"You're right, it doesn't take a genius to notice that. Luckily, you're the complete opposite.“ Jiro joked, drawing a laugh from those around her.

Kaminari ignored the joke as Sero jumped it. "Oh yeah, the hero killer!"

"Glad you guys made it out alive, seriously," Kirishima chimed in with genuine concern.

"I was worried about you too," Yaoyorozu added, her words echoing the relief shared by the group.

"You were lucky Endeavor was there to save you guys," Sato remarked.

"That's so cool, just what I'd expect from the number two hero," Hagekure exclaimed, showing her admiration.

"Yeah... he saved us," Todoroki stated plainly as Y/N nodded silently, already knowing not to disclose more.

"Did you guys hear the news about the hero killer?" Ojiro brought up the chilling topic.

"Everyone's been saying that he's somehow connected to the League of Villains.“

“Can you imagine how frightening it would've been if that creepy guy had been there when they attacked the USJ?"

"He's scary, yeah, but did you see him in that weird video? It's all over the internet," Kaminari mentioned.

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