- Facing Fear's: Duel Of Symbol's -

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I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it.“ - Demi Lovato

- A/N -

Hello!, am back!, hopefully I haven't lost anyone interested in this story…But anyway am back and ready to roll!

The frozen monstrosity remained ominously still as the group closed in on the creature.

Bakugo had Kurogiri pinned down, her explosive limb preventing any movement.

"Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you? You've put us in a real bind," Shigaraki's voice dripped with irritation and accusation.

Simultaneously, Bakugo maintained her iron grip on the warp villain, her words laced with a potent blend of frustration and Arrogance

"You careless bastard, you're just what I thought you'd be. Only certain parts of you can turn into that misty warp Gate, so it covered your body," Bakugo continued

"We knew we were close to your real body because if we weren't, you wouldn't have said 'that was close,'" Bakugo taunted with triumph.

Kurogiri, in a desperate attempt to break free, was met with a small explosion from Bakugo's palm.

"Don't move! Try anything funny, and I'll blow you up right now. You got it? They'll be cleaning you up for weeks," Bakugo threatened, her will mirrored in her grin.

"That doesn't sound very heroic," Kirishima added with a touch of wry humor.

"They escaped uninjured and captured my two strongest men. Kids these days really are amazing," Shigaraki mused.

"They make the League of Villains look like amateurs... Can't have that, Nomu," Shigaraki acknowledged coldly.

Suddenly, the monstrous Nomu shifted from the gate, and its frozen arm and leg broke off, accompanied by an agonizing screech.

"Even with his body in tatters, he's still mobile," Midoriya observed with concern.

"Everyone, step back!" All Might's commanding voice resounded as the monstrous creature's limbs began to regrow with alarming ease.

Surveying the scene, All Might furrowed his brow in confusion. "Wait, I thought his power was shock absorption."

Shigaraki's voice held a sinister satisfaction as he clarified, "Ah, but I never said that was his only Quirk. He also possesses super-regeneration."

"Nomu has been purposefully engineered to face you even at your peak. He's essentially a highly efficient punching bag that punches back."

"However, before we proceed, we must reclaim our means of escape," Shigaraki stated with an air of certainty.

"Go, Nomu," Shigaraki commanded, Nomu charged at astonishing velocity toward Bakugo, and an attack was unleashed, creating a whirlwind that engulfed the plaza.

Within moments, the plaza was obscured by dust, vision dwindling to nothing.

But just as the dust gradually settled, a familiar figure emerged.

It was All Might, but my attention was drawn to Bakugo, already seated on the ground with an expression of bewilderment.

"You dodged the attack?!" Midoriya's voice held a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

"Shut up, no I didn't, you damn nerd," Bakugo retorted confidently.

Amidst the dissipation of the dust, a portion of the concrete wall became visible, its surface bearing the scars of impact. And there stood All Might.

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