- The Aftermath -

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“The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t win’ is you and you don’t have to listen.” - Jessica Ennis-Hill

- Somewhere In Japan -

An upsetting purple mist appeared in a dimly lit, odd bar with shelves brimming with a diversity of liquors.

It was a strange sight, and soon after, an injured guy staggered out, grasping his gunshot-riddled body.

"Ouch," murmured the injured figure, his voice laced with pain.

"Shot in both arms and legs. All our underlings were wiped out. Even Nomu was defeated. We failed. Those kids were so strong."

"The Symbol of Peace wasn't weakened at all. You were wrong, Master. So wrong!" he added, his frustration obvious

His attention was fixated on a screen engulfed in menacing purple text

"Not at all. We were simply not as prepared as we should have been." A voice replied calmly.

"I agree. We underestimated them. Fortunately, we failed under the pretense of the 'League of Villains' name rather than our own," another voice added.

"What about the creature that the Master and I made? Where has Nomu gone?" questioned the other voice.

"Yes, why isn't he here with you?" the first voice asked.

“He was blown away," Kurogiri replied.

"What?!" the second voice exclaimed.

"It was All Might's doing. Without precise coordinates to his location, I couldn't warp him to safety. We didn't have time to search for him," Kurogiri explained.

"What a disaster! After everything we did to make him as powerful as All Might," the second voice cried once more.

"Well, I suppose we can't change that now," the elusive 'Master' replied.

“Power... That reminds me. There was a kid there who tried to protect All Might. He was just as fast as him," Shigaraki stated with frustration.

"Oh?" The Master asked, intrigued.

"If that brat hadn't gotten in our way, we might have succeeded in removing the Peace Symbol. That Brat!!" Shigaraki seethed

"Of course, you're upset. However, this endeavor was not wholly futile. We've learned a lot," the Master reassured.

"Gather the villainous elite. Take all the time you need. I must remain hidden in the shadows, which is why I need you to be my face."

"A symbol of your own, Tomura Shigaraki. Next time, you will show the world that it should be afraid of you," the Master declared ominously…


Amidst the chaos near the USJ, sirens blared as police vehicles surrounded the area.

"Sixteen, 17, 18, 19. Everyone seems to be unharmed except for that boy whose legs were all messed up," a man remarked, casting a concerned glance at the 1-A students.

"Let's prioritize getting these students back to the main campus. They've been through a lot. We can hold off on questioning them for now," he suggested.

"Detective, what about Mr. Aizawa?" Asui asked anxiously.

A Rescue Squad Member approached, addressing the girl's question,

"Mr. Aizawa has suffered multiple fractures in his arms and facial injuries, but fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any serious brain damage."

"But his orbital floor has been severely damaged. We can't be sure if his eyesight will be affected once he's healed," the response about their teacher's condition ignited concern among the class.

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