- Beyond Hope -

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"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose finite Hope" - Martin Luther King, Jr

Y/N jolted awake, beads of sweat running down his forehead. The room was utterly pitch black,

With the moon creating unnatural shadows on the plastered walls.

It took Y/N a moment to realize he'd just awakened from another restless slumber, his thoughts bothered by a recurring emptiness.

Y/N's eyes scanned the room as he sat up in bed. But the usual warmth and color seemed to have vanished,

Replaced with an eerie emptiness that pierced his entire essence. Unable to shake the numbing sensation,

Y/N got out of bed and went to the mirror to check out his reflection.

His eyes, which had previously been full of youthful curiosity and energy, now appeared dull and inactive.

It was as though a part of him had been caged, concealed by the weight of his Quirks.

Y/N longed to feel something, anything...

But ever since his Quirks had manifested, each one as potent as the other, emotions seemed to slip further and further away,

like elusive phantoms dancing just out of reach.

The years of intense training, pushing his physical and mental limits, had taken a toll on his ability to connect with his own humanity.

Y/N let out a sigh as he attempted a smile, but his facial muscles remained unresponsive.

How could I hope to become a hero, to protect others, if I can't even grasp one of the basic emotions that make one human? He constantly questioned himself

Determined to break free from the bonds of his emotional entrapment,

Y/N intended to make the most of the ten months before the UA Academia Entrance Exams.

It was his chance not just to make a name for himself but also to rediscover the vibrant colors that previously inhabited his world.

Y/N's resolve strengthened as the sun began to peek above the horizon.

He would seize any opportunity that was thrown his way, pushing his limits beyond whatever he had possibly imagined.

Every day, he would try to reawaken the latent emotions within him, to rekindle the fire that had faded within his heart.

Y/N had no idea that his time at UA Academia would be filled with difficulties, friendships,

As well as and battles that would put his resolve to the test. The road to becoming a hero was never supposed to be simple,

But Y/N was determined to carve his route, to rise above his emotional abyss, and to become the hero he always aspired to be.

He dressed, ready to go, because if he was going to be a hero, he had to get ready for class.

Y/N put on his junior high long-sleeved uniform while sporting his glove on his right hand.

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