- First Rounds End -

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"There is a fine line between faith and confidence. Confidence has a self-reliance. Faith is really about giving in." - Ramy Youssef

"As we venture into the ninth match of this Sports Festival, get ready for a battle of wits!" Present Mic's voice resonated through the stadium, setting the stage for the upcoming clash.

"On one side, hailing from Class 1-B, we have the thorned heroine herself, Ibara Shiozaki!"

"And on the other side, from Class 1-A, we've got the student with the extraordinary adaptation of multiple limbs at his disposal, Mezo Shoji!"

"What will these two contenders bring to the table? There's only one way to find out! Ready?!... START!..."

Shiozaki didn't waste a moment, her emerald vines lashing out with incredible speed toward Shoji.

His multiple limbs swung into action, deftly dodging and deflecting her oncoming assault.

One of his appendages transformed into a colossal hand, smashing through the thorny tendrils with a single blow.

Shoji held an advantage in raw power and the diversity of his attacks, but Shiozaki was no ordinary adversary.

As the battle unfolded, Mezo Shoji realized that he couldn't allow himself to be cornered.

Thoughts raced through his mind as he strategized while on the move. 'I can't let her entangle me,' he thought, advancing rapidly to get in close.

Shiozaki was quick to react, sending more vines after him as they aimed for his limbs, trying to restrict his movement.

"You won't be easy to take down," Shoji muttered, splitting his arms into multiple appendages, forming a defensive shield.

He moved with incredible agility, evading the vines, and successfully closing the gap.

But Ibara Shiozaki was not one to underestimate.

With a precise movement, she launched a barrage of thorny tendrils spiraling towards Shoji, targeting his arms.

While he managed to deflect some, a few vines successfully ensnared his limbs, momentarily restricting his movements.

Seizing this opportunity, Shiozaki extended her vines, creating a dense web around Shoji.

He fought relentlessly to break free, struggling against the thorny entanglement, pushing his limits.

Yet Shiozaki was relentless in her pursuit. With skill and precision, she managed to ensnare his limbs and restrict his movements.

Shoji, however, displayed remarkable resilience and strength, successfully breaking free from the vines and shattering the web-like construct.

The audience watched in awe as Shoji demonstrated his fortitude. Then, in a moment of inspiration, Shiozaki shifted her approach.

Instead of directly attacking Shoji, she manipulated the very battlefield.

With a flourish of her hair, she directed her thorned tendrils towards the ground, causing the arena floor to erupt with lush, thorny vegetation as Vines shot up from the ground, creating a tangled, maze-like terrain.

Shoji, caught off guard by the sudden transformation of the battlefield, struggled to adapt to the rapidly evolving environment.

Navigating this new thorny maze proved to be a considerable challenge.

His multiple limbs became a hindrance, getting entangled one by one and slowing him down amid the rapidly growing plants.

Shiozaki seized this opportunity, using the unpredictable terrain to her advantage.

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