- The Closing Tournament -

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"As long as every tournament, every year, you're getting better and better, that's all that matters." - Brooks Koepka

- Tenya iida Vs Ibara Shiozaki -

Present Mic's electrifying voice echoed through the stadium as he hyped the crowd,

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's get things rolling with the first match of the second round!, get ready for an exhilarating showdown between speed and thorns"

The combatants wasted no time. Iida revved his engines, bolted forward, and within seconds had Shiozaki on the defensive.

But Shiozaki wasn't one to back down easily. She called on her Quirk and extended her thorny tendrils to counter Iida's charge.

Iida's experience came into play. as he maneuvered around Shiozaki's vines, using his speed to keep the pressure on her.

Inch by inch, he edged her closer to the boundary.

Shiozaki's Quirk began to tire her, and with a final push, Iida took her out of bounds.

"And there you have it, folks! Iida takes the victory in a dazzling display of speed!"


- Mina Ashido Vs Fumikage Tokoyami -

Tokoyami advanced quickly, sending Dark Shadow surging forward with ferocity.

Ashido reacted swiftly, creating projectiles of acidic and launching them at the Shadow entity

However, Dark Shadow, fueled by Fumikage's determination, proved to be exceptionally agile, easily dodging the acidic attacks

"Woah! Aaah!" Ashido exclaimed, slightly caught off guard by the speed and finesse of her opponent's assault.

She quickly gathered her focus and strategized on how to counter effectively....

And as Dark Shadow advanced, Ashido found herself within her head thinking back during her training...

- [Flashback] -

Amidst the remnants of a fallen city, Ashido, Y/N, Ochaco Uraraka, and their fellow classmates gathered to hone their Quirks for the arrival of the sports festival

Y/N, always observant and insightful, approached Ashido, breaking her focus on the exercises.

"Ashido, I noticed something," Y/N began

"Mmh? What is it?" Ashido asked, her form stretching to its limits as she prepared for the next set of drills.

Y/N chose his words carefully, aware of the significance of his advice.

"Your Quirk excels in offensive maneuvers and you showcase remarkable flexibility, but..."

He paused, trying to find the right phrasing to convey his point.

"But what?" Ashido's curiosity grew

"That relying solely on offense may not always be the most effective approach," Y/N gently explained

"Have you ever tried using your Quirk for defense?"

Ashido took a moment to absorb the suggestion. "Well, I don't think so. I usually just shoot my acid at my opponents."

Y/N nodded, "Have you considered creating a shield of sorts using your Quirk?"

"A shield?" Ashido mused, her mind racing to comprehend the idea.

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