- Out of Time: The last stretch -

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“In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins.“ - Ulysses S. Grant

…As L/N held onto the hover soles, Asui's tongue shot toward Midoriya's team from Shouji’s arm tent.

"Wah!" She exclaimed, narrowly avoiding Asui’s tongue, causing it to nearly hit Tetsutetsu.

"I didn’t expect any less from you, Midoriya," Asui stated.

"Also, call me Tsu!" she added.

Asui retreated back into hiding in Shouji’s arm tent and continued her attack with her tongue.

"Team Asui maximizes the difference in their sizes! They’re like a tank!" Present mic excitedly explained.

"Midoriya, get away!" Tokoyami warned.

"Urgh… Ngh!" Midoriya strained as she pressed the button again, activating the jetpack. L/N tried but failed to maintain a grip, the hold causing him to break part of the hover soles in the process.

"Ahh! My baby was torn apart!" Hatsume exclaimed.

"Sorry! But we got away!" Midoriya replied.

However, the battle was far from over, as Kacchan quickly approached, chasing the team in the air.

"Urgh… Kacchan!" Midoriya exclaimed.

"Don’t get carried away!" the blond shouted, aiming an explosion.

"Tokoyami!" Midoriya shouted, and Dark Shadow quickly blocked the attack, preventing Kacchan from reaching them.

"Tsk! Damn it!" Kacchan grumbled.

"Ahh!! She’s gotten separated from her horses! Is that allowed?!"

And as Kacchan fell, Sero reeled in his tape, bringing her back.

"It’s a technicality, so it’s okay! It wouldn’t have been if she’d touched the ground, though!" Midnight clarified

Landing back on the ground, Midoriya's team expressed their gratitude.

"Thanks, Uraraka!" Midoriya acknowledged.

"It’s hard to control with just one foot," Uraraka explained.

"Yeah, I know," Midoriya concurred.

'Landing like this is inefficient. We can’t run through the air anymore. We’ll have to survive this with our increased mobility from Uraraka’s Zero Gravity and with Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow.'

"As expected, everyone is after the first-place team, and Class A is in hot pursuit! Everyone’s got skills!"

"Now, let’s take a look at each team’s points. It’s been seven minutes! Here are the current rankings up on the screen!"

However, something seemed amiss with the displayed scores.

"What? Wait a minute! Other than Midoriya, Class A isn’t doing so well…" Present Mic observed.

Just then, a quiet yet effective team swooped in, surprising everyone.

"What?!" Bakugo exclaimed, as one of the opposing team members snatched the headband.

"Class A is too simple-minded," the student sneered.

"What’d you say, bastard?! Come back here!" Bakugo shouted as the opposing team began to retreat.

"Since Midnight said it was the first game, it wouldn’t make sense for them to cut a ton of people in the qualifier, right?" the opposing student explained their strategy.

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