- An Identity -

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“There is real power in seeing yourself as a hero. Because then you believe that you can do anything.“ - Jenny Han

"All inaugural events of this year's U.A. Sports Festival have concluded," announced Midnight

As the ambiance electrified with fireworks and vibrant smoke enveloping the stadium in celebration.

The top three students took their places on elevated podium

- 1st: Y/N L/N -

- 2nd: Shouko Todoroki -

- 3rd: Katsuki Bakugo -

Perched on the third-place podium, Bakugo's countenance reflected intense dissatisfaction

As she muttered curses at a certain multi-quirked student.

"Third place doesn't seem to be what she had hoped for." Kirishima remarked,

Midoriya, however, harbored a growing concern, contemplating the situation with Iida and his brother.

Powerless to intervene, she could only hope for Ingenium's well-being.

"Now, let's bring out the hardware, and, of course, only one person is worthy of award distribution," declared Midnight.

A resounding laughter echoed as the crowd erupted in cheers. "Citizens! I am here to bring the medals!" proclaimed All Might

"All Might, why don't you kick off the presentation?" Midnight suggested, overshadowing All Might's voice.

Approaching Bakugo on the third podium All Might began, "Young Bakugo, congratulations on making it to the top thre—"

"Just give it to me!" Bakugo cut him off, snatching the medal with an air of defiance.

"This was just a fluke, alright! I'll still surpass you!"

"Alright then," responded All Might, moving to the second one.

He draped the medal around Todoroki's neck, asking, "Congratulations on second, but Is there a reason you used your left side in the final?"

Todoroki explained, "I had an opportunity during my match with Midoriya, and After talking with L/N…I became sure of myself.“

“I wanted to become a hero like you, and there's still something I must settle with someone... and soon."

"Very well then, And finally," All Might proclaimed, reaching the first-place podium

"Young L/N, congrats on first place. You've come a long way, and I couldn't be prouder of you and the others."

"Thanks," Y/N simply replied.

"These are the winners of this year's sports festival!" All Might announced.

"Many of these first years could be standing on these podiums in the future.“

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