- The Right Side -

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“One person can stop a great injustice. One person can be a voice for truth. One person’s kindness can save a life.“ - Nicky Gumbel          

While I sat a familiar voice broke through my concentration. I turned to find Uraraka, her eyes looking rather unusual.

"Has the match not begun yet?" she asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

"Oh, Uraraka-what happened to your eyes?! You should see Recovery Girl," Ashido suggested with genuine concern

Uraraka settled into a seat and replied, "I already did, and this is from…something else."

Ashido leaned in, "Well…just to let you know I can imagine how frustrated you must be." She stated with an empathetic tone

I then interjected, offering a perspective, "And If I were you, I'd consider using this next match as a source of encouragement."

Uraraka nodded, "Yeah, got it."

Ashido chimed in with a playful grin, "Wow, who would have thought you would be the wise one?"

It was then Present Mic's voice echoed through the arena, signaling the start of the match.

"Thank you for waiting, everyone! The first match of the second round is a significant one," He declared

The spotlight was soon on the first contestant, introduced with flair.

"The woman who secured a stunning victory in the first round, literally leaving the audience frozen...From the hero course, it's Shouko Todoroki!"

Then, the spotlight shifted to a certain greenette, And the said girl walked to the arena with a nervous look

"On the other hand, this girl barely scraped through the first round. What kind of fight will she show us this time? From the hero course, it's Izuku Midoriya!"

"It has started," I simply affirmed


- izuku Midoriya Vs Shouko Todoroki -

Todoroki took a few measured steps forward, Her gaze was fixed firmly on Midoriya, "So... here we are,"

Midoriya met her unwavering gaze, her face remarkably free of nervousness, "And only one of us can win," she declared

Curious, Mina approached the stoic boy "Y/N… how do you think this match will go?" she asked

Y/N considered the question carefully. "All I can say is...that it really depends on whether Midoriya can get close to Todoroki," he responded

"Yeah, that's the problem. How will Deku avoid her ice?" Uraraka pondered aloud, voicing the concerns shared by the group

Present Mic, the energetic announcer, seized the moment to rile up the audience.

"At this year's sports festival, both have shown top-class performances! It's like two great rivals battling against each other!" he declared, fanning the flames of excitement.

A hushed anticipation hung in the air, and then, as the tension reached its peak, Present Mic delivered the electrifying proclamation.

"Now," he began, drawing out the suspense with a brief pause,

"START!!!" He shouted, His enthusiastic announcement signaling the commencement of the match…


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