- Sealed Secret -

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“It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop” - Confucius

- Katsuki Bakugo Vs Tenya Iida -

"Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for an electrifying matchup? In the blue corner, we have the explosive Katsuki Bakugo!.“

“And in the red corner, the turbocharged Tenya Iida!.“

Katsuki Bakugo, in her gym uniform, stepped into the flat arena with a fierce expression.

She sneered at her opponent, "You better not disappoint, Four Eyes."

Tenya Iida, equally focused, adjusted his glasses and responded, "I assure you, Bakugo, I won't."

The bell rang, and the two competitors wasted no time. Iida's Engine Quirk roared to life as he shot forward, a blur of blue and red.

Bakugo released an explosion from her palm as iida as he avoided her initial attack.

The audience was in awe of Iida's speed.

"Unbelievable! Iida is like a rocket out there!"

But Bakugo was not one to back down. Her explosions grew stronger and more frequent, allowing her to gain some distance from Iida.

She shouted, "You think speed alone can beat me, huh? How pathetic!"

Iida zoomed around the arena, his engines producing deafening roars. "Bakugo, I won't let your insults distract me!"

As the battle raged on, Bakugo's determination was evident. She pushed herself to her limits,

Using her Quirk with unmatched intensity.

The more she used her explosions, the more she sweats so the faster and stronger she became, closing the gap between her and Iida.

Iida realized that he needed to change his tactics. He attempted to outmaneuver Bakugo with unpredictable zigzags,

but she adapted swiftly, releasing precise blasts to intercept him.

"Wow, those two are going all out!" Uraraka exclaimed.

Iida continued to race around the arena, but Bakugo's relentless pursuit wore him down.

His engines sputtered for a moment, and Bakugo seized the opportunity, launching herself at Iida.

She aimed a massive explosion right at him.

Iida desperately attempted to dodge, but Bakugo's attack hit its mark. An explosion of smoke and dust filled the air.

As the debris cleared, it was clear that Bakugo had managed to land a direct hit on Iida.

"What a battle!, The winner will be decided after Iida's sensors confirm if he's still within the ring!"

Iida lay in the center of the arena, his costume uniform showing signs of scorch marks.

Bakugo stood, her palms still crackling with power, sweat pouring down her face.

The spectators were on the edge of their seats, eagerly awaiting the outcome.

Iida's engines roared to life once more, and he slowly managed to get back on his feet. He seemed battered but not defeated.

"I won't give up that easily, Bakugo."

Katsuki Bakugo gritted her teeth, her fiery determination burning brighter. "Huh?, Alright then Four Eyes! Come at me!."

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