- Sports festival: Start! -

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“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.“ - Pierre de Coubertin

The U.A. sports festival was just two weeks away, and the anticipation was reaching a fever pitch.

It was the event that could make or break aspiring pro heroes like me, and it was all going to be broadcast live on TV.

The pressure was mounting, and there was no room for error.

I couldn't help but wonder about the events we would be participating in.

The uncertainty hung in the air like a heavy cloud.

I knew that everyone else had already started their preparations, and I couldn't afford to lag behind.

Our group training sessions had been intense and productive.

Uraraka was making great progress, effortlessly floating rubble with her quirk.

"Here I go!" she exclaimed with determination.

Mina stood nearby, her palm covered in a layer of acid. "Release!" Uraraka called out, and the rubble fell,

while Mina showcased her precision by targeting each piece of concrete with her corrosive power.

And at the same time, Uraraka focused on honing her quirk, striving to increase the weight she could carry.

Time seemed to slip through my fingers as we trained relentlessly, inching closer to the sports festival with every passing day.

On the morning of the sports festival, I was getting ready to leave for school when my mom stopped me.

"Izuku, be careful not to get hurt," she said with genuine concern in her eyes.

I nodded, taking in her words. "Okay," I replied

She smiled warmly, "I'll record the event in high resolution!." she promised,

"Do your best," she encouraged me one last time.

"Okay," I repeated, my heart filled with gratitude for her unwavering support. With that, I opened the front door...


In the waiting room of Class 1-A, the students were filled with anticipation, as they prepared for the upcoming competition.

Mina couldn't help but express her disappointment, "Aw man, I wanted to wear my costume."

Ojiro chimed in with a practical perspective, "At least everyone will be in uniforms, that'll keep things fair, right?"

Sato pondered the unknown challenge ahead, "I wonder what the first round's gonna be…"

Tokoyami's words held a sense of determination, "No matter what comes, we have no choice but to deal with it."

Shoji nodded in agreement, "Right."

Their conversation was interrupted by a call to action from an unnamed voice, rallying the students for their imminent entrance.

Todoroki, in her typical composed manner, addressed Midoriya directly.

"Midoriya," she said, catching the green-haired girl's attention.

Midoriya, intrigued, responded, "Todoroki? What is it?"

Todoroki, her heterochromatic eyes unwavering, continued, "Looking at things objectively, I think I'm stronger than you."

Midoriya took a moment to absorb the statement and then nodded in agreement, "Huh? Yeah…"

- MHA Beyond Hope [Discontinued] -Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora