- Your Identity -

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“You are the vanguard of knowledge and consciousness; a new wave in a vast ocean of possibilities.“ - Jim Carrey

The UA students continued to unveil their chosen hero names.

Ashido, having a second go, opted for a name reflective of her appearance—Pinky.

"Choosing hero names is going more smoothly than I thought it would," Midnight observed

The focus shifted to Bakugo, Iida, Midoriya, and Y/N as the final contenders for hero name revelations.

Iida stepped forward, his decision to use his first name, Tenya, prompting a raised eyebrow from Midnight.

"You're using your first name, too?" Midnight queried, to which Iida simply nodded.

"Is this a trend or something?" Ashido expressed her confusion

Midoriya took the spotlight next, presenting her hero name to the class

Gasps and whispers rippled through the students, questioning his choice.

"Midoriya? Are you really okay with that?" Kaminari sought clarification,

"Yeah man, You might be called that forever, you know," Kirishima added,

Midoriya, radiating newfound pride, explained, "I used to hate it, but then something changed.“

“Someone taught me that it could have a different meaning, and that had a huge impact on how I felt.“

“So now, I really like it. Deku, that has to be my code name."

It was then Y/N, the enigmatic student, rose to the occasion.

With a neutral expression, Y/N faced the class, preparing to reveal a hero identity shaped by more than just quirks.

"I had never thought about a hero name before," Y/N began, capturing the attention of the room.

"When I was younger, all I cared for was getting to help those in need, whether or not they knew me.“

“So I never put too much thought into it, but as you all know, I have more than one quirk, more than one should have.“

“Giving myself a code name based on those is difficult. So, I decided to come up with a name based on how many quirks I possess."

Y/N paused for effect before delivering the culmination of thought.

"So, for the name decided as an identity, I am The 'Multi-Quirked Hero: Vanguard.'"

Midnight acknowledged the choice, stating, "Vanguard, an apt choice, considering your array of quirks."

Kirishima chimed in with enthusiasm, "Man, that's cool! Leading the charge with multiple quirks at your disposal."

The positive reception resonated with Y/N, who nodded in acknowledgment.

"I wanted a name that reflects not just my quirks but also the responsibility I feel to be at the forefront when others need help."

As the excitement subsided, attention shifted to Bakugo, still immersed in contemplation about her hero name.

"Bakugo, any progress on your hero name?" Midnight inquired, breaking the momentary silence.

Bakugo, true to character, scowled and asserted, "I'm not settling for something mediocre. It's gotta be perfect, and it'll strike fear into villains."

With hero names established, the focus transitioned to internship discussions.

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