chapter 27: west point cheat

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"Thirsty?" He had asked her with their faces close together. 

"Beer" Y/n answered with Lip nodding, but before he could make a move on her again Ian sprayed water both of their way causing Y/n to scream a little bit as Lip waved his brother off trying to get out of the pool. 

Y/n grabbed the spray gun from the end of the pool before spraying it towards Ian it hit him directly in the forehead causing her to laugh and Ian grabbed onto her ducking her underwater again as she held her breath so that she didn't choke on the water. 

Debbie and Emmy played with each other slashing one another with water. Y/n hit Ian's chest as he let go of her. "Have you talked to what's his name?" Ian asked as the two were civil with each other inside of the pool. 

"Jack?" Y/n answered with Ian confirming and she didn't say anything shaking her head. "It was an in-the-moment thing," 

Splashing her in the face; "Sure it was, but you were right about it" 

"Say that again one more time." Ian leaned towards her putting his ear closer to her mouth. She had dipped her finger inside of the water before putting that inside of his ear causing the boy to dunk her one more time under the water. 

When she got out of the water; the sound of gasping was heard she turned to what everyone was looking at which was Karen standing over and limp Lip who was holding his groin. "Why the fuck was Mandy Milkovich at my house trying to screw Jody?" Karen shouted pointing at Lip who was already on the ground. "He turned her down and told me what happened." 

Y/n didn't believe that Lip asked Mandy to do that; after he had asked Y/n if she would sleep with anyone. "He's a fucking pussy," Lip continued to add on, with Y/n feeling a bullet inside of her chest knowing that Lip still wasn't over Karen no matter what he did to her the night before. 

"Fuck you" Karen went and kicked him; before Fiona put her coffee cup to the side rushing over and stopping Karen from counting to beat up Lip. "Stay the fuck away from me. Stay the fuck away from Jody." 

Ian hopped out of the pool knowing that Fiona wasn't the only one who was able to stop Karen from kicking Lip. Grabbing onto the girl as she tried to kick him one more time. "And stay the fuck away from this baby." Once she had said that Ian took his hands off of her standing there stunned. 

That led everyone to grow silent; with their mouths hanging open. Y/n bit the bottom of her lip; feeling congested by all of her feelings inside of her stomach. Karen looked up at everyone who was just staring at her. She turned around and made her way away from the house leaving them stunned. 

Lip sat up from the ground; the sound of splashing was heard with Y/n getting out of the pool now everyone looking at her silently walked inside the house; Lip stumbled up from his feet and followed after her not looking back. 

Shutting the door behind her, she knew she shouldn't be mad since they weren't dating. "Y/n" Lip called out as she was trying to get to the other side of the house so that she could go home. "Y/n, don't do anything dumb" She stopped in place knowing that he was thinking that she was going to try and kill herself with some sort of pills. 

But she had broken down in laughter at Lip saying that shaking her head since he should be the last one talking right now. "Wow..." Those were the only words she said to him. "I'm going home." 

Lip went over to her grabbing on her shoulders trying to stop her with Y/n pushing back trying to leave the house. "Y/n, no-" Lip stopped her from trying to leave so that the two of them could talk about it. 

Grabbing onto his face she had kissed him holding onto his shoulders as his hands went to her hips melting inside of the kiss. "Don't be dumb" She pulled away from him leaving him in her shadow with Y/n leaving the room. Karen and Y/n never really flowed together with Y/n not liking the way that she acted and or the way she had talked towards Y/n.

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