21 - Let's make some babies

Start from the beginning

Freen tugged her hand, "Hold on, let me wipe away a few more of those tears," she said, chuckling, keeping the playful tease alive with her wife.

"Enough of that, or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight," Becky warned, raising her eyebrows in mock seriousness.

Freen raised her hands in mock surrender, "No couch please. I prefer cuddling with my beautiful wife than with the pillows of the couch".

"I birthed that child, so I have every right," she pouted.

Freen countered with a smug grin. "And I got you pregnant, just like I promised back when we were young," Freen said proudly.

"Of course, you did," Becky pecked a kiss on Freen's lips. "Let's head home now."

As they drove home, the playful banter continued, creating a lighthearted and joyful atmosphere.

The first day of Zea's school brought a mix of thoughts to the couple.

"Oh! I forgot to tell Zea not to entertain anyone who flirts with her, boys or girls. I better remind her later," Freen said as they settled on the couch. Having intentionally blocked the day for this special moment, they decided to take the day off from work.

Becky burst into laughter, "Oh my God. Our daughter is six years old. No one would be flirting around her." She playfully sat on Freen's lap, her hands encircling the back of her head.

Freen joined in the laughter, recognizing the humorous absurdity of her concern. "I guess I'm just overthinking it. But hey, it's never too early for some parental advice, right?"

Becky gave Freen a playful squeeze, "True, but let's save the flirting talk for her teenage years, okay? Right now, our focus should be on celebrating her first day."

Freen grinned, "You're right, as always. Our little girl is growing up." Freen then kissed Becky's shoulder, saying with a suggestive look, "Maybe we can go to our room and make more babies."

Becky playfully slapped Freen's shoulder, "That's not how we made Zea," and laughed.

"But, well, can we try? We have the entire day to ourselves," Freen grinned, injecting a playful and affectionate vibe into the moment.

"Hmmm, let me think," Becky played along with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

Freen wasn't having any of it. Swiftly, she lifted her wife, declaring with determination, "No more thinking. Let's try making babies."

Becky squealed in surprise and delight as Freen effortlessly lifted her. Eager and willing, she surrendered to the passion and intimacy of making love to her wife.

And so, they earnestly and passionately tried— not just once, but for five exhilarating rounds. The air was filled with laughter, whispers, and the shared joy of being intimately connected.

Exhausted yet content, they eventually collapsed, breathless, in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of their love-filled escapade.


Becky's POV

I woke up feeling the afternoon heat on my face through the curtains. Attempting to move and open my eyes, I sensed a familiar weight over me. Freen's head was resting on my chest, her mouth still over my breast, and I could feel her warm breath on my nipples.

I shook my head with a silent chuckle, "So you slept again, playing with your favorites," I mumbled.

Carefully, I shifted her to my side and covered her naked body, noticing the clear marks I had left earlier. A smile crept onto my face at the sensual memory.

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