Chapter 76:"By the way, did you know? Gu Yan is..

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After spending a weekend at Gu Yan's place, Qu Xi felt it was time to go back home.

"Distance adds charm. I think even during the honeymoon phase, we should maintain some privacy. Besides, I find it hard to focus on work when I'm with you, and I know I often distract you too."

On this point, Gu Yan seemed unable to refute. They had spent a cozy weekend together, but since they had become too relaxed on Saturday, Qu Xi and Gu Yan had initially planned to review cases and study on Sunday. However, as they got into it, Qu Xi found herself either daydreaming while looking at Gu Yan or being wrapped in his arms, making it difficult to concentrate.

In the end, Gu Yan drove Qu Xi back to her rented place. After a lingering kiss in the car, Qu Xi waved goodbye to Gu Yan.

On a typical Sunday evening, Zhao Yiran was usually out on a date, but today was an exception. When Qu Xi opened the door, she found Zhao Yiran in the living room watching TV.

Zhao Yiran glanced at Qu Xi and then, as if suddenly realizing something, immediately turned her gaze, almost instantly shifting her attention to gossip mode.

"Qu Xi, did you go out with your boyfriend this weekend?"

Qu Xi blinked, "Yes, how did you know?"

With a mischievous smile, Zhao Yiran pointed to Qu Xi's neck.

Qu Xi looked at herself in the full-length mirror in the living room, blushing when she noticed the mark on her neck. Despite telling Gu Yan not to leave obvious marks, it seemed she failed. She awkwardly adjusted her collar.

Although a bit embarrassed, Qu Xi didn't deny anything. After all, she had already decided to share the news of being with Gu Yan with Zhao Yiran. Qu Xi remembered Gu Yan's words in the car:

"If I simply tell Zhao Yiran that we're together, I feel like it would be too casual. After all, Zhao Yiran is your closest friend. I hope that when I appear as your boyfriend, it can be a bit more formal."

To meet Gu Yan's small request, Qu Xi was more than willing to comply.

So she sat next to Zhao Yiran and, quite solemnly, pulled her over, saying, "Zhao Yiran, which evening are you free this week?"

Zhao Yiran was a bit puzzled but instinctively answered, "I'm free the day after tomorrow. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend over dinner. I want to formally introduce him to you."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yiran got excited, "Oh, unfortunately, my boyfriend is on a business trip; otherwise, I could have a double date. But time is of the essence! I'll meet your boyfriend first and help you vet him!"

She exclaimed with enthusiasm, "I never expected our studious Qu Xi, who focuses only on studying the classics with undistracted ears, to progress so quickly. I was curious about what kind of person could capture your heart, considering you haven't shown interest in anyone from college to work. This guy must have some special qualities to win over the Flower of the Law School so quickly!"

Smirking, Zhao Yiran glanced at Qu Xi's neck, "I thought you'd be conservative, especially since it's your first relationship. I never imagined things would progress so quickly. Wow, this guy..."

As Zhao Yiran trailed off, she teasingly looked at Qu Xi's neck, "I thought you would be conservative, especially since it's your first relationship. I never imagined things would progress so quickly. Wow, this guy..."

"Quite cunning!"

Qu Xi blushed a bit, "Not really, he's just sincere. He has been secretly in love with me for a long time..."

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