Chapter 56 "Qixi felt like her whole heart had risen to her throat..."

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To change the topic, Qixi decided to divert the conversation, saying, "Let's not talk about me, Mom. Even if I work diligently, at least I know how to balance life. You should talk to Dad!"

Qixi expressed her dissatisfaction, saying, "Dad was busy when he first established the law firm, but now the firm is running smoothly. He has a team and assistant lawyers working under him. Why does he still act like he needs to personally handle everything? The joint venture firm is much better than my dad's small firm. Any partner there, regardless of who it is, earns several times or even ten times more than my dad, but they aren't as busy as him. I see a partner in our firm who even spends weekends playing tennis with his son."

While Qixi brought up this topic to divert her mother's attention, as she spoke, she couldn't help feeling a mixture of anger and helplessness. Setting aside her father's biased views, objectively speaking, Qixi also knew that Qiruiming wasn't particularly talented in law. During her university days, out of curiosity, she had secretly read some of the legal documents he had left in his study. They were quite rough, and occasionally, she could overhear conversations between her parents discussing cases that her father had messed up. He had even been reported to the bar association by clients, causing quite a commotion.

Since joining the joint venture firm, she had witnessed the quality of legal documents written by Gu Xuehan, which made her realize what true professionalism and expertise meant. So, perhaps she couldn't realistically expect her father to manage his personal life as effortlessly as elite lawyers like Gu Xuehan. Balancing a successful career and personal life was already a challenging art, and only a few managed to do it well.

With this change in perspective, Qixi began to doubt herself. Had she been too demanding of her father before? After all, he wasn't a superhuman; he was just an ordinary middle-aged man with limitations, just like anyone else. There were many things he couldn't do.

"Xixi, don't be mad at your dad. When you were young, he cherished you so much. He had a problem with his neck, but he would still carry you around on his shoulders, making you laugh. He never listened to me and insisted on playing with you like that, which aggravated his neck condition, and he ended up bedridden for a week."

As Qixi's mother spoke, she wore a somewhat exasperated yet amused expression. "And during your middle school years, they organized a closed military training camp for your school, and they sent you to a camp outside the city. You sprained your ankle, and it was so remote that we couldn't even find Yunnan Baiyao ointment there. At that time, there were no delivery services or takeout, and you encountered a rare heavy rainstorm in the city. Your dad left his work and drove through the thunderstorm, taking his newly bought second-hand car to bring you Yunnan Baiyao..."

Her mother continued, half-complaining and half-happy, "And there's when you were in junior high. They organized a closed military training camp for your school, and they sent you to a camp outside the city. You sprained your ankle, and it was so remote that we couldn't even find Yunnan Baiyao ointment there. At that time, there were no delivery services or takeout, and you encountered a rare heavy rainstorm in the city. Your dad left his work and drove through the thunderstorm, taking his newly bought second-hand car to bring you Yunnan Baiyao..."

Qixi's mother went on to explain, "So, don't be angry with your dad. He loves you so much. Just a few days ago, he mentioned that he wants to push you to learn how to drive, and after that, he'll buy you a car. It will be convenient for you to come home on weekends."

Qixi's mother patted her back and said, "So, don't be mad at your dad. Your mom's birthday is coming up, so consider this as a birthday gift for me?"

After hearing her mother's heartfelt words, Qixi felt compelled to agree, even though she still had some reservations.

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