Chapter 58: Pressing against the wall, Gu Yan kissed her once again...

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Fortunately, Qixi easily made her way downstairs and called a car. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, with no traffic along the way. Half an hour later, Qixi appeared at the entrance of Guyan's residential area, where Guyan had been waiting.

The light rain had turned into a mix of snowflakes. Guyan's hat and coat had accumulated a thin layer of snow. His fair face was slightly reddened from the cold, and his eyelashes had droplets hanging from them, trembling with his blinking. Qixi could see his breath turning into visible white mist in the chilly air.

She couldn't help but feel a bit sorry, "I told you it would take at least half an hour, why did you come out so early? I mean, I know where you live. When I arrive in your building's corridor, I will call you."

Due to the cold, Guyan was dressed warmly, resembling a warm bear. He brushed off the snow on him and casually lied, "I just came down, didn't wait long." He smiled at Qixi, "Don't believe me? Touch my hand; it's still warm."

As he said this, Guyan reached out from his pocket and held Qixi's hand. It was indeed warm. However, when Qixi touched Guyan's face, it felt cold.

As Guyan led Qixi into the residential area, she couldn't help but complain, "You really should wear gloves. How can you forget to wear a scarf around your neck? It's so cold."

"I was thinking that I couldn't hold your hand with cold hands later, so I remembered to wear gloves," Guyan said somewhat embarrassedly, "But I didn't think about my neck. Now that you mention it, it does feel cold."

Fortunately, they quickly arrived in the corridor. After entering the elevator, the outdoor chill gradually dissipated.

Despite showing strong longing for Qixi on the phone, Guyan, upon meeting her in the late night, didn't express obvious enthusiasm. He even began reporting the latest developments in Lin Lin's case in the elevator.

"Her ex-boyfriend's extortion and alleged rape are basically confirmed. The prosecutor's office has intervened, and he's been approved for arrest. The phones related to the case are also under police control. So, her scumbag ex-boyfriend didn't have a chance to spread more of Lin Lin's private photos and videos. Now, Lin Lin is accompanied by her parents and her boyfriend, and her condition is improving. I saw her in the elevator over the weekend, and she seemed much brighter."

"That's really great!"

While Qixi was genuinely happy to know that Lin Lin was safe and her scumbag ex-boyfriend was getting the punishment he deserved, she couldn't help but be a bit puzzled. Guyan, who she had come to meet in the middle of the night, was now giving her a case update. It seemed like he got the situation all wrong!

Qixi felt more and more aggrieved as she thought about it. She hugged her crossbody bag tightly, feeling a bit pathetic for running to the convenience store before coming over, facing the colossal embarrassment. Yet...

Yet, wasn't the fact that she, as a girlfriend, came over to his place in the middle of the night already a kind of hint? Moreover, they were in the passionate phase of their relationship. Did Guyan really have no further thoughts besides kissing and hugging? He treated her well, but why hadn't Guyan given any other hints?

Qixi felt like an anxious fox, circling the grapevines without understanding why the vineyard owner hadn't invited her in. She started worrying if there was something unpleasant about the grapes, causing the owner to remain silent.

The elevator's "ding" interrupted Qixi's thoughts as they reached the floor where Guyan lived. Due to the sense of injustice and embarrassment, Qixi, appearing calm, stepped out of the elevator earlier than expected. She walked briskly, as if trying to shake off the tangled emotions within her.

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