Chapter 28: "You can say such things too."

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This journey, which Zhao Yiran had praised as the most beautiful scenery, had turned into an overwhelming and treacherous path for Qixi.

Qixi didn't know where to look, and Gu Yan seemed to be in the same predicament. It was impolite to stare at the lovey-dovey couples, and the crowded bus made it a luxury to gaze out the window. Although Gu Yan could use his superior height to look up at the bus ceiling, the bus's jolts would often redirect his gaze towards Qixi. Sometimes it was just a fleeting glance, but for some reason, Qixi could always sense Gu Yan's eyes on her, as if by some mystical connection.

There were others who looked at Qixi as well, but it felt different when it came to Gu Yan. His gaze seemed to materialize and take on a tangible form, like a gentle brushstroke that lightly brushed across Qixi's heart, causing her heart to flutter without any resistance.

Qixi felt so nervous that she didn't know where to put her hands and feet. She felt like her entire body was unnecessary and she wanted to shrink herself in front of Gu Yan, to disappear completely.

She began to pray for the bus to arrive at the destination quickly. However, it seemed like fate was against her. The bus showed no signs of speeding up, and instead, it became slower and more turbulent due to road construction and traffic ahead.

With a sudden brake, Qixi was pushed by the couple behind her and fell directly into Gu Yan's embrace.

Gu Yan's body carried the pleasant scent of fabric softener, and there was a clean aroma as if basking in the sun.

Originally, it was a very ordinary and common scent, but perhaps due to the thin air in the closed bus, Qixi felt her face flush and her heart race. Her body felt a bit weak, and her thinking became slow, her mind less agile.

Almost instinctively, like a reflex after being shocked, Qixi quickly moved away from Gu Yan. However, before she could fully steady herself, the bus made a sharp turn, and Qixi was once again thrown back into Gu Yan's arms.

This turbulence left Qixi feeling frustrated and embarrassed. However, for the other couples on the bus, it seemed like a romantic ambiance—a guy holding his girlfriend tightly, promising a certain kind of protection.

But Qixi and Gu Yan became the exceptions.

In the swaying bus, Gu Yan, who didn't embrace Qixi, seemed more like a foolish and arrogant guy who couldn't take care of his girlfriend.

Originally, things were still manageable up to this point, but Qixi didn't expect...

"Baby, I've told you before, good-looking guys are not necessarily reliable. What's the point of being with a good-looking guy who can't take care of you? Do you want to be like his girlfriend?"

"So now, someone like Xue Chen knows that you're with me, but he still comes to pursue you. He relies solely on his good looks, but what can he give you? When two people are together, there will be many challenges in the future. A girl still needs to find a shoulder to rely on!"

Perhaps to showcase his own virtues, the guy in the couple next to them started boasting about his thoughtfulness in a voice he thought couldn't be overheard. However... this guy's voice was really loud.

Not only Qixi and Gu Yan heard it, but also the surrounding couples.

And when this guy mentioned a good-looking guy who couldn't take care of others, anyone with eyes could tell he was referring to Gu Yan.

In an instant, Qixi received a bunch of sympathetic and inquisitive looks from all around, but after these looks landed on Gu Yan's face, they turned into a faint understanding.

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