Chapter 55 : After all, in Rong City, there's someone who misses me...

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Qixi felt as if she were suddenly tipsy, with a surge of alcohol hitting her head. In this moment, she wished she could find a place to hide.

Really, Gu Yan, how could he casually say something like that?

She glanced at Gu Yan, feeling a mixture of amusement and sweetness. "I was only on a business trip for one day! I didn't even stay in the city, and I haven't seen you for just half a day..."

"Yes, a whole half day," Gu Yan's tone was restrained and serious, but his words had a teasing edge. "You went to the city for half a day and hardly contacted me. I feel like half a day is quite long."

He playfully added, "But you seem to think that half a day is still quite short. It looks like you haven't experienced what I've been through."

Looking at Gu Yan's earnestly complaining profile, Qixi suddenly extended her hand with a sense of serendipity and, before she realized it herself, lightly patted Gu Yan's head.

Clearly, Gu Yan hadn't anticipated this action from Qixi. He blinked in surprise for a moment but didn't move his head away. Instead, his expression seemed to encourage her.

Qixi chuckled and, like petting a big dog, patted Gu Yan's head again.

"It's not that I haven't missed you. It's just that today, I was dealing with a case involving a former HR director who had a good relationship with me. I was rushing to come back, so I was working every minute and second at Yuan Chen."

Gu Yan paused. "Why were you in such a hurry?"

"Because I wanted to come back and see you as soon as possible." Qixi looked at Gu Yan with a slightly helpless tone. "After all, there's a man in Rong City who I couldn't help but miss for half a day."


Qixi let Gu Yan fiddle with her fingers. She didn't tease him further but instead began to recount the events of her day at Yuan Chen and the inner struggles she had faced. She candidly said, "When I was dealing with this case, I was thinking about you all the time. There was a moment when I doubted whether I was doing the right thing, but thinking about you, I felt that as long as it's you, you would support my decision. And if you were in the same situation, you would choose the same path as me. So, even though it's the first time I've encountered a conflict between personal feelings and legal matters, I was anxious and nervous, but in the end, I have no regrets. I think I made a decision that aligns with my inner values."

"I heard that Old Dong's situation is going to be miserable, and he might hate me forever, but..."

Gu Yan held Qixi's hand in return. "But you did nothing wrong."

He looked at Qixi with determination, speaking in a very convincing and comforting tone. "You simply did what you should do as a lawyer. You were sent to Yuan Chen as a lawyer to assist in resolving Yu Nana's resignation dispute. Throughout the entire event, you needed to handle it from the perspective of an objective third party in your professional role as a lawyer. So, Qixi, you did a great job."

"Many people face such dilemmas, but those who can make decisions without being bound by emotions and act justly are a minority. It's precisely because of this rarity that these few individuals appear great. For instance, parents who, upon discovering that their child has committed a crime, choose to report them to the police instead of covering it up. It's difficult, but precisely because it's difficult, it becomes all the more precious."

Gu Yan gently touched Qixi's face and then averted his gaze with a hint of embarrassment. "Of course, in my eyes, you have always been the most precious."

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