Chapter 26: To Gu Yan, Qixi is more...

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Gu Yan's "okay" made Qixi's heart beat faster, and she felt a bit uneasy and nervous. Although they had frequent interactions in their work, late-night conversations were a different story. Qixi suddenly didn't know what topics to discuss, wondering if they would have enough to talk about until she fell asleep.

However, Qixi quickly realized that her worries were unnecessary. There seemed to be no possibility of awkward silence between her and Gu Yan during their night chat. It was because Gu Yan began reading her questions from a collection of judicial exam past papers:

"'Li, taking advantage of the old lady Wang walking her dog and being off guard, snatched her handbag containing 4,000 yuan in cash and ran away. Wang commanded her precious pet dog to chase and bite Li. Upon seeing this, Li turned around and kicked the dog to death before fleeing from a distance of 50 meters away from Wang. Due to extreme anger, Wang suffered a heart attack and died.' Regarding this case, what is the nature of Li's actions? Does it fall under the category of post-robbery violent threat?"

Qixi felt not only wide awake but also more alert. She answered expressionlessly, "It does not fall under the category of post-robbery violent threat because violent threats here only include violence against people or threats of violence against people, not against objects. Kicking the dog to death was merely an action taken to escape from the dog's pursuit. However, killing the victim's valuable breed of dog constitutes a violation of private property and may result in an incidental civil lawsuit."

"Mm." Gu Yan affirmed Qixi's answer. "Zhang, in another case..."

Qixi's survival instincts kicked in, and she quickly interrupted Gu Yan, "Can we not do more questions? Let's talk about something else..."

"Don't you like criminal law? How about civil law? Or perhaps substantive law? What about procedural law? Civil litigation or criminal procedure law?" Gu Yan paused for a moment and then naturally suggested, "Or we could discuss the intellectual property dispute case you recently received."

Qixi didn't know what else to complain about. She had completely forgotten about the terrifying experience earlier in the day, where she narrowly escaped becoming a victim. Her mind was left speechless.

"Gu Yan, let's talk about something other than our professions and work," Qixi snuggled in her warm blanket. "Can you tell me how you always manage to come in first place? People say you hardly stay up late and don't review before exams. So, you really didn't secretly study all night in the classroom?"

"No," Gu Yan's response was rather nonchalant and self-assured. "If the teacher has already covered the material in class, why would I need to review again after class if I haven't forgotten it?"

Qixi felt that it was best not to continue the conversation with Gu Yan. She sighed, feeling powerless. "Do you know, Gu Yan? I now understand why someone as perfect as you in appearance, physique, and intelligence could fail at confessing their feelings."

This topic piqued Gu Yan's interest. On the other end of the phone, his voice slightly raised, "Why?"

Then Qixi heard a slightly muffled voice from the other side, "Then what should we talk about?"

"For example, something more interesting, like singing a song for each other, discussing recent movies or melodramatic TV dramas, favorite foods, or entertainment gossip," Qixi suggested.

Gu Yan remained silent for a moment before answering, "I can't do that. I'm not an interesting person to begin with."

Whether it was because emotions tend to reveal more at night, Qixi, who originally wanted Gu Yan to keep her company, ended up taking on the role of entertaining him instead.

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