Chapter 11 "Qixi, I'm here to take you home."...

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Qi Xi felt that she temporarily had no worries or concerns. At this moment, she almost had a grasp on her own life—she had dealt with her father, and her relationship with Gu Yan seemed less hostile.

She became enthusiastic about her work again, feeling that the more she did, the smoother it went. However, Gu Yan, sitting next to her, seemed burdened with thoughts since the morning.

When someone is troubled, coming forward to help and solve their problems is the best way to open up as friends!

Qi Xi felt that she couldn't miss this opportunity, especially since she had a blind date tonight and would rely on Gu Yan for cover.

She made up her mind to spend money and bought a delicious durian mille-feuille. During the lunch break, she decided to bring up the topic using Gu Yan's favorite food. "Gu Yan, what trouble have you encountered with your case?"

As soon as she mentioned Gu Yan's worries, his expression became even worse as he looked at the durian. Qi Xi enthusiastically said, "Is there anything I can help with?"

Gu Yan reluctantly took a couple of bites of the durian cake, but then put down his spoon. It was clear that he didn't want to talk about it, but he couldn't resist Qi Xi's persistent questioning.

In the end, he lowered his gaze and briefly explained the situation. "It's a custody dispute case. I have organized all the evidence and information, and the responsive pleading is ready. We have a good chance of winning the case. However, for custody cases, the parties involved must appear in court. Originally, the trial was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and the party agreed to attend. But now, they have changed their mind and refuse to appear in court under any circumstances."

"Is that even possible?" Qi Xi blinked. "Can you request a postponement?"

"The opposing party resides abroad most of the time, and this is a rare visit to the country. Tomorrow is their only available time. If we request a postponement, who knows when this case will be heard."

Qi Xi also felt puzzled after listening. "If you have a good chance of winning, why is your client refusing to appear in court tomorrow?"

Gu Yan pursed his lips and explained concisely, "The client claims to have calculated their fate, and tomorrow is an extremely unlucky day. They believe that if they go out, they will encounter a catastrophe and refuse to attend at all costs."

He rubbed his temples. "They said this afternoon is an auspicious time according to their astrological beliefs, so they want the trial to be held this afternoon. If it's held tomorrow, they believe the judge wants them dead, and they will cause a scene at the courthouse."

This is really...

There are all kinds of people in this world.


Qi Xi felt that she had a solution. "How long until the client arrives?"

"Probably half an hour."

"Okay, after he arrives, you keep him occupied and don't let him leave. Wait for me, I'll be right back," Qi Xi confidently smiled at Gu Yan. "I will make sure he attends the trial tomorrow."

Gu Yan's expression clearly showed disbelief. "You don't know how superstitious and stubborn he is about auspicious and unlucky days. Maybe you should try reasoning with him..."

So what?!

Half an hour later, as expected, when Qi Xi hurriedly returned, there was chaos in the meeting room. The client, an old man, was pointing his finger at Gu Yan and causing a scene. "Do you, as a young lawyer, understand anything? I have been studying the Yi Jing and Eight Trigrams for many years. I have calculated that tomorrow is a day of disaster if I go out. I can predict accurately. I once calculated that if I went out, I would meet with an accident, and as a result, I canceled a trip, and sure enough, the bus I was supposed to be on overturned! Five people died, and more than ten people suffered broken limbs!"

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