Chapter 66: The Enemy in the Open, I in the Shadows.

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In order to focus on the investigation, Gu Yan took care of the work for Qixi, allowing her to free up time for collecting evidence.

Not wanting to let Gu Yan down, Qixi wasted no time. She had a rough plan in her mind. Qixi first logged into Weibo and entered the profile of "Tiny Streams." As expected, with Qiruiming on a business trip, Wang Juan accompanied him, actively portraying the image of a successful and busy lawyer on social media.

"Another business trip, this month feels like I'm constantly flying."

For authenticity, the woman even shared the location of the Rongshi Airport.


Qixi had never been more thankful for social media. Fortunately, both Qiruiming and Wang Juan were not in Rongshi, making it unlikely for them to suddenly realize something, and there was no chance for them to abruptly stop Qixi's investigation and evidence collection. Therefore, Qixi had to seize this opportunity to handle all necessary matters.

She immediately went to Ruiruiming, claiming that she was meeting a client nearby. At noon, Li Jie invited her out.

"Li Jie, on the day of the heavy rain last time, thanks to you for drying me off with a towel. Otherwise, I would have definitely caught a cold. Today, I happen to have some business nearby, and I'd like to treat you to a meal to express my gratitude."

With the incident from last time as a cover, Li Jie had no suspicions at all and smiled, telling Qixi not to worry about it.

Li Jie had been a long-time employee of Ruiruiming and practically watched Qixi grow up. Naturally, there was a sense of familiarity. During their meal, Li Jie, who was concerned about her child's upcoming college entrance exam and future career choices, received a lot of advice from Qixi, who spoke from her own experience. The two quickly grew closer.

Seizing the opportune moment, Qixi changed the topic, "By the way, Li Jie, at my mom's birthday party last time, my dad organized quite a scene, saying it was arranged by the lawyers from the law firm. I heard it was Lawyer Wang Juan, right?"

Since Ruiruiming could conceal his extramarital affair from his own wife for ten years without her noticing, Qixi speculated that Ruiruiming and Wang Juan's relationship must also be kept secret from the outside. Otherwise, there would be no completely airtight secret, and news of Ruiruiming's extramarital affair would have reached her mother's ears a long time ago.

Qixi barely finished the question when she scrutinized Li Jie's expression intently. As expected, there was not even the slightest fluctuation on her face. Li Jie's eyes showed no signs of avoidance, and there was no trace of embarrassment, surprise, or even a one-second pause. It was evident that she had no intention of revealing anything about the real relationship between Ruiruiming and Wang Juan.

Therefore, Li Jie seemed completely convinced by Qixi's question and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, it was Wang Juan. She arranged everything, including the birthday party for your mom. Even the bag your dad bought for your mom's birthday was chosen by her. He praised her for being capable and efficient."

While Li Jie spoke with sincerity, Qixi couldn't help but feel a surge of anger.

Ruiruiming not only had Wang Juan arrange the birthday banquet for her mom but also let that despicable woman pick out the Coach bag!

What nerve she had! She carried an Hermès for herself but generously picked out a Coach for Qixi's mom?

How audacious!

Taking advantage of Maple Ridge International School being a boarding school from Monday to Friday, Wang Juan conveniently had a child and avoided the hassle of taking care of the child during weekdays. The hefty expenses were covered by Ruiruiming, and she only had to focus on maintaining her beauty, extending her hand to demand money from Ruiruiming whenever needed. Wherever Ruiruiming went, she followed suit.

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