Chapter 64 : Whether it's Qi Rui Ming or Qi Rui Ming's...

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When handling other people's cases, Qixi can be extremely calm and efficient. However, when she becomes a party involved in her own case, she finds it challenging to remain unaffected. Fortunately, the words spoken by Gu Yan gradually helped her regain her composure.

Indeed, regardless of her father's actions and the severity of his affair, it still requires investigation and evidence. Unexpectedly, before Qixi could decide when to disclose the situation, Xiwenn discovered the issue with Qiruiming.

On the night they agreed to investigate Qixi's father together, Qixi received a call from her mother. On the other end of the line, Xiwenn's voice trembled a bit: "Xixi, your father seems to be having an affair."

Qixi was momentarily stunned.

"I know you might not believe it, but your mother saw it with her own eyes." Xiwenn, unaware that Qixi was already informed, spoke with suppressed pain in her voice. Qixi heard her take a deep breath, as if trying to draw as much oxygen from the air as possible. "Today is your father's scheduled spa day for me. He personally dropped me off at the hotel, saying he would wait for me in the hotel's café while dealing with work emails. He would pick me up after I finished."

Qixi was aware of Qiruiming's habit. Although he often missed school events for Qixi, he seemed attentive to his wife. For instance, every week, he set aside a day to drop everything and personally escort his wife to a spa, waiting downstairs in the hotel throughout the process.

It was these details that once made Qixi believe her parents were deeply in love. Despite her father's tendency to favor her brother, at least his devotion to her mother seemed indisputable.

However, now, hearing Xiwenn's trembling voice on the phone and recalling the shock of seeing an Hermès bag in Wang Juan's hands, Qixi felt that nothing was beyond questioning.

Many things simply cannot withstand comparison. Once compared, past perceptions may be completely shattered, leaving only scars. Examples include Xi Wen's coach and Wang Juan's Hermès bag.

Details that once seemed affectionate might, from another perspective, be nothing more than elaborate schemes.

"The spa was originally a half-hour session, but after about ten minutes, the technician felt unwell and fainted. So, the spa was urgently canceled, and the technician was taken to the hospital. I intended to go to the hotel cafe to find your father."

Even before her mother finished speaking, Qixi had already guessed the unfolding events. However, hearing her mother confirm her suspicions once again left Qixi deeply affected.

"But your father wasn't in the cafe." Xi Wen's voice had become almost fragmented. "I looked around, and he wasn't in the seat he was waiting for. I circled around and coincidentally saw him coming out of the bathroom. Just as I was about to call him, I found that he didn't go back to the cafe but walked towards the hotel gym and swimming pool."

"A few days ago, I teased him about having a bit of a belly. I wondered if he, although appearing indifferent at the time, was secretly bothered and planned to secretly lose weight when I wasn't aware. To save him from embarrassment, I followed him secretly. However, he didn't go to the gym's equipment area but to the hotel's swimming pool... But he can't swim at all. He had fallen into the water when he was a child, so he has a bit of a psychological shadow. I was curious, not knowing why he, at his age, was planning to learn how to swim. So, I followed him..."

Qixi felt the blood rushing to her head. Was her father going to the swimming pool to have a private meeting with Wang Juan? If her mother saw such a disgusting scene...

However, what Xi Wen saw was even more nauseating than her father's intimate interaction with the other woman.

"As it turns out, your dad wasn't there to swim. He was there to watch a child swim."

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