Chapter 68: "I can, I can do it." ... "

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After the three-person small meeting, Qixi felt that her restless emotions intensified.

Perhaps her recent changes were noticeable; after returning to the law firm after lunch, Qixi was summoned into the office by Gu Xuehan.

"Qixi, have you encountered any issues recently?" After discussing the previous traffic accident case, Gu Xuehan poured a cup of tea for Qixi and casually inquired, "Even though I'm your boss, there's not much age difference between us. If you have any emotional issues, feel free to consult me. Just treat me as a friend."

Taking a sip of her tea, she looked at Qixi and continued, "Even though I'm talking to my younger brother about a romantic relationship, I won't be biased in his favor. Only when a relationship brings happiness is it worth pursuing. If it brings more anxiety, pain, and discomfort than sweetness, I suggest reconsidering."

Gu Xuehan was indeed very neutral, showing no favoritism toward Gu Yan and even trending towards stricter expectations for him.

"Recent work feedback hasn't raised any issues, but if you continue to be immersed in anxious emotions, it will inevitably affect your work in the future. Besides, I have high expectations for you and believe you should be able to perform even better than you are now..."

Gu Xuehan wasn't aware of the actual situation and assumed Qixi was having problems in her relationship with Gu Yan. After all, both Qixi and Gu Yan had been looking quite distressed lately.

Though Gu Xuehan had completely misread the situation, Qixi felt her eyes welling up with heat and redness.

Qixi had expected her father, Qi Rui Ming, to be the person to support her in difficult times, but he turned out to be the one causing her distress. In contrast, Gu Xuehan, who had no blood relation to her, cared deeply about her well-being.

Suddenly, Qixi had an impulse. Perhaps... perhaps she could seek Gu Xuehan's help?

Qixi bit her lip. "It's not an issue with Gu Yan; it's something related to my family."

Almost as soon as Qixi finished speaking, she regretted it because Gu Xuehan's phone rang. This made Qixi feel guilty for taking up Gu Xuehan's time. However, to her surprise, Gu Xuehan silenced the phone and adopted a posture indicating she was ready to listen.

Her expression was very serious. "What's going on?" She looked at Qixi. "It's a member of my team. Even if it's work-related difficulties, despite the age difference, I'm here to help. Feel free to speak up."


Qixi didn't expect that sharing would be easier than she imagined. Similar to Gu Yan, Gu Xuehan handled the unexpected family issue with great composure. She didn't show any judgment or reveal expressions that might make Qixi uncomfortable. She turned out to be an even better listener than Qixi had thought. Throughout Qixi's explanation, Gu Xuehan remained quiet and patiently attentive.

Qixi finished speaking, and Gu Xuehan didn't offer any comments. Instead, she handed a piece of candy to Qixi from her drawer. "Have something sweet. It might lift your mood a bit."

Qixi unwrapped the candy, and as the sweetness spread on her taste buds, her inner feelings were bittersweet. "Lawyer Gu, even though I have a background in law and work in the legal field, I feel lost this time. Is it that our laws can't protect the vulnerable in marriages? My mom and I, despite our legal knowledge, seem helpless in the face of this situation."

"Despite our best efforts in gathering evidence, with Gu Yan consistently assisting in our discussions, we've come to realize that, under current laws, it's challenging to ensure my mom receives the compensation she deserves."

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