Chapter 74: "Fool, what excuses do you need?

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Although Gu Yan issued a proclamation-like ultimatum, Qi Xi followed him back to his house, and there was an unspoken understanding between them. Along the way, Gu Yan even held Qi Xi's hand and went to the convenience store downstairs to buy the necessary "tools." However, Qi Xi was still extremely shy and wanted nothing more than to escape immediately. She cursed herself for leaving the last purchase at home and not bringing it with her. But the more Qi Xi wanted to run, the more determined Gu Yan became, forcefully pulling her along.

Qi Xi was originally from Rong City, and Gu Yan's house was located in a bustling area. She remembered that some of her university and high school classmates used to live in this neighborhood. Every second she spent in the convenience store, she was afraid of running into someone she knew. However, today, for some reason, there were a lot of people buying things at this hour. Qi Xi had no choice but to stand in line with Gu Yan, clutching the pack of condoms, and every minute felt like torture.

Perhaps it was because Qi Xi was feeling guilty herself, even though no one was paying attention to her, she couldn't help but want to escape and hide. But today, it seemed like everything was working against Qi Xi. She was eager to pay with Gu Yan and leave, but the cash register broke down, prolonging the waiting time.

Qi Xi was becoming impatient. She pulled Gu Yan's sleeve and pleaded in a low voice, "Let's just forget about buying it and leave."

Unfortunately, Gu Yan was resolute. "No." He leaned close to Qi Xi's ear, his voice low, "I don't want you to wait any longer."

Qi Xi was both ashamed and angry. She shouldn't have teased Gu Yan in the first place. Why did he take everything so seriously?

But Qi Xi couldn't help but feel anxious with each passing minute. Although she had been an adult for many years and had graduated from university and started working, for some reason, she still had a childlike obedience inside her. She felt that going out to buy condoms was too deviant, and if she were caught, she would be criticized.

All she wanted was to leave and didn't care about her nonsensical words. She did her best to convince Gu Yan not to buy it. "We don't have to buy these things to do that. We can do it without them. Gu Yan, please don't buy them. Let's go."

But as soon as Qi Xi finished speaking, Gu Yan forcefully pulled her into his embrace and tightly held her waist. He leaned close to Qi Xi's ear, speaking with a hint of patience and gritted teeth, "Qi Xi, this is a convenience store. There are many people here."


Gu Yan's eyes were slightly red, and he could barely contain his frustration. "Do you know what could happen if we don't buy them?"

Qi Xi hadn't even had time to react, and Gu Yan gently approached her ear. "You could get pregnant."

Even though Gu Yan's lips didn't touch her ear, Qi Xi felt as if she had been electrified in that instant. Her whole body grew hot, and she felt like steam rising from a steamer, light and about to evaporate.

But Gu Yan seemed to be unsatisfied. He acted as if he wanted to earnestly advise Qi Xi to continue waiting in line and calmly analyzed in a low voice, "It doesn't have much impact on me, and I don't mind since marrying you and having children is my dream. But for you, it might affect your career..."

What on earth was this man talking about?

Qi Xi felt like she was going crazy.

Who was Gu Yan, really?


They hadn't done anything yet!

How could she get pregnant?

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