Chapter 60: "Qi Xi, his secret girlfriend, is..."

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Due to the unexpected incident involving Gu Xuehan, the previously romantic atmosphere vanished. After drinking the water poured by Gu Yan, Qi Xi stayed and had a serious discussion with him about a case. However, the discussion turned into an argument due to differing viewpoints, and in the end, Gu Yan couldn't tolerate it anymore and pressed Qi Xi against the wall, resolving the disagreement with a kiss.

Later, Gu Yan drove Qi Xi back to her rented house, even packing some braised dishes for her as instructed by Gu Xuehan. However, the next morning, while sharing the braised dishes with Zhao Yiran, Qi Xi contemplated how to face Gu Xuehan.

Fortunately, although Gu Yan had fieldwork in the morning, Gu Xuehan remained in the office. Seizing this opportunity, Qi Xi received a call from her and was asked to visit her office. Qi Xi intentionally wore a shirt with buttons, and before entering Gu Xuehan's office, she deliberately misaligned a few buttons, pretending ignorance.

Discussing a traffic accident case, Gu Xuehan handed over the case materials to Qi Xi. Qi Xi asked a few questions about the existing materials, and just before leaving Gu Xuehan's office, she nonchalantly remarked about misaligned buttons, feigning embarrassment by blaming it on her morning rush.

Qi Xi thought her acting was natural, as Gu Xuehan didn't show any unusual expressions, seemingly only noticing the misaligned buttons after Qi Xi brought it up.

Gu Xuehan glanced at Qi Xi's chest and smiled, saying, "You did indeed button it wrong. Pay attention next time. A lawyer's attire conveys the trust you can offer to clients. Misaligning buttons is a bit too careless for a lawyer."

Qi Xi nodded repeatedly, expressing remorse, "I'll definitely be more careful next time."

Despite all her preparation and self-admonition not to panic, Qi Xi still felt uneasy and nervous. The timing was inappropriate, but when she realized, she had already clumsily clarified the events of last night, saying, "Maybe it's because of recent stress and poor sleep that I've buttoned it wrong for two consecutive days. But I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. I only realized I didn't button it properly last night because I was feeling groggy."

After saying this, Qi Xi regretted it. Who would voluntarily bring up the events of last night? It was too deliberate and suspicious. However, to her surprise, Gu Xuehan, after listening, showed genuine astonishment, "You buttoned it wrong last night too? I didn't even notice."

She didn't notice?!

Gu Xuehan's surprise didn't seem feigned, and Qi Xi suddenly felt a sense of relief. It appeared that Gu Xuehan wasn't as perceptive as Gu Yan claimed.

If Gu Xuehan didn't notice her misaligned buttons last night, it was even less likely she would be aware of what happened between Qi Xi and Gu Yan in the living room. Could it be that last night's panic was all for nothing?

Qi Xi felt a sudden sense of liberation. She breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Gu Xuehan, thinking she could hold her head high in front of her. "Yeah, I buttoned it wrong last night. When I went to Gu Yan's place to borrow a book, I only realized on the way back home. It was quite embarrassing."

Gu Xuehan chuckled, "Really? I didn't notice. But I didn't expect you and Gu Yan to have such a good relationship in private. Going to borrow a book so late at night. Honestly, I thought you two might be dating."

Since Gu Xuehan hadn't noticed, Qi Xi decided to deny it outright, "No, Attorney Gu. Gu Yan and I are just good old classmates and colleagues. Gu Yan is not in a romantic relationship."
"Oh, I see," Gu Xuehan tilted her head, "Do you have a boyfriend? Are you considering dating?"
Qi Xi, feeling more confident in her lie, responded without hesitation, "I want to focus on work for now. Dating can wait; after all, I'm still young."
Gu Xuehan seemed to ponder for a moment, then nodded at Qi Xi, "I understand."

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