Chapter 72 - It kicks in.

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Pregnancy, many women beam with happiness when speaking about the subject. It's like being picked to grant miracles, a living growing human being nourished inside, a living reminder of just how raw and nasty the man and woman have been. Scraps of DNA combining together into one, truly a remarkable joy worth celebrating.

I hate it.

"Stop I'm going to -" in the nick of time Jim's car screeches to a complete stop, I swung open the door barely pushing my body forwards in time to spill out the acid In my throat.
Even when I had nothing left to spill my body refused to believe it; forcing out whatever liquid left.

The gagging sounds I was making made the situation worse, and Frankly it was embarrassing as shit.

The whiff of Rowan's scent flowing into my streams as he steps out the car to hold back my curls had a strange calming effect, though my throat scorched, the bile finally settled.

"Here's Some water sweetie," Alex says popping the cap from a bottle.

Like it was my last I chugged it in one go, "Thank you" I breathed moving my face away from everyone, bad enough I'm vomiting the last thing I need is to turn everyone to stone with my acidic breath.

"Are you ok to -"

"Yes I'm fine I promise, I'll just close my eyes for the rest of the trip."

They question that possibility. "Honey bun I think it's the motion that makes you throw up not so much ... the view?" Alex adds on.

Of course my dumbass didn't think before speaking, "Right, I'll be fine seriously." The introvert in me didn't want the attention.

Luckily everyone smiled in agreement looking at me as if I'm fragile glass. All except Jim, stoically he keeps his head deadpanned on the road, lost in thought not even sparing a glance at my direction.

I couldn't blame him, We just dropped a bomb on him. For years he has waited for this moment to have a woman that truly cares for him and come to find out she's crazy is a gut wrenching feel and he won't like what we have to say but if it's to save his life, he can spit on my grave ... wait not necessarily spit on it but hate me.

Rowans hand gently squeezing mine from behind helped the spiraling anxiety.

"Jane?" Came a soft voice in the silence just as the car came to a slow stop under the light.

I turn back to look at Alex and Tanika's eyes, "Want to call your mom?"

It was then it hit me, everything that happened previously, the video, my mother, and ... Cameron, Justine, Philip and soon the whole state will know of this. Just as I learned I was pregnant, a happy moment I thought I could have had for myself but of course I'm a laughing stock of the heavens.

Sudden Trembles overtake my body before Rowan gently squeezes.

"No, I'm just -just happy she's ok." The woman annoys my soul but I refuse to lose her that way.

"What happened? What did you see in the video?"

All eyes on me before the four of us jerk from the blaring horn behind us.

"You didn't see it?" I questioned recovering from the near heart attack.

"When you fainted your phone died."

"An anonymous number sent me a video of my mother's home, ransacked with broken windows." The words were heavy falling from my mouth, sadness over takes me just imagining the fear and helplessness that she would have felt by herself in that predicament.

"Oh my gosh." Tanika breathes in the background. "They are really starting to piss me the fuck off."

"That's a home invasion." Alex pitched in, "Save the video."

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