Chapter 27 - Puzzle

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I could just turn around now while I still have the chance, it's only two steps down the stairs take the elevator down and go straight across the street to an Uber or Lyft.

Yes, it's that simple.

'Take down Cameron and his empire''
Crap, damn my memories, rolling my eyes to his last words that seem to play in my mind like a radio.

Words no one has ever dared to say a loud, let alone attempt, that alone should have been a red flag; laughable. The man is an obvious pervert who obviously wants to get in my pants but after dealing with a jungle man, I doubt he could compete. Maybe I'll run into him again and he could tell me what he wants to say, maybe I'll see him again in the tampon section this time.

God what am I saying? He doesn't even know I'm here, I'm out. Turning around my head caught the red of a flashing light ... on a camera. The fuck? Is that thing on? My theory confirmed when I leaned in my face and the zooming noise of the device made my heart leap.

"Leaving me so soon?" The deep voice from the speakers hidden somewhere made me slightly squeal.

Frantically glancing around "You have eyes everywhere or something?"

"Only when beautiful women are within a 10 mile radius of me" he chuckles.

Rolling my eyes, "what is it you wanted to talk about, and why does it have to be out of my comfort zone?" Wrapping my arms around my waist to ease the chill from the last words.

He doesn't respond, the sudden silence definitely didn't help my paranoia, Fuck this, not looking back I took a step but jumped from a loud click from the door, I'm frozen watching it open until he came into view.

In black sweat pants he emerged a towel sloppily wrapped around his head leaving out the rest of the damped dark hair, a steam flows out from behind him, I let that condensation kiss my cheeks while I stare at his Shirtless body, small drips of water glides from his pecs to his slightly haired V neck.

My, oh my.

"Don't look at me like that, I might not behave well" green orbs already locked on mine when I reached his face.

Clearing my throat "Why am I here?"

"You wanted to see me again" he smirks.

I don't relax the stoic expression I put up.

"Alright alright," stepping aside to make room at the door "come in" he looks left and right before back at me.

I stare at him lowly heaving my chest.

"You have my word, this is something I think you'd want to know" the flirtatious attitude completely diminishes, I swallow thickly form his hard expression before blowing out a breath.

"Could you step aside?"

Completely stepping away from the door "No fun".

The apartment complex looked luxurious, a dark beige decor paired with the white walls, plain, his aesthetic screams rich but his apartment only contained a large beige L shaped couch, dark brown coffee table and a Wide TV against the wall, that's it?

This place was big enough for five people, maybe it was just the living room that didn't get as much attention.

"Yes, most of my time is spent well, in the bedroom, it's up to my guest where they would like to arch for me."

Snapping my head towards his face, Fuck, was I speaking out loud?

"No, I'm not a Mind reader, your stance and face says it all," He stood behind me hands in his sweats staring down at me.

Tarzan (Rated R)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon