Chapter 36 - The plan

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"I can't stay too mad at you; it was a group effort".

Gulping down the water "What do you mean, I nearly backed out of it".

"Yet you didn't,"

"I mean yes, I kind of didn't have a choice" I laughed, "You are strong and seductive".

"But you didn't have call me over, you didn't even have to speak on the subject any further with me, and most importantly you didn't have to actually call and meet up with me the next day to listen, there is something driving you forward wanting to take the next step." Her eyes glide down at the delicious man crouched below me rubbing my leg.

My gaze follows her, Rowan? If only she knew what he does to me alone.

"What are you saying?"

"You have been bullied by them for a while, yet now you want to take initiative?"

"The book it - it -"

"It wouldn't have been published Hadn't it been for the injury of the man you love, the man that saved You so many times and the man that stands by you even today."

I need to stop writing every damn sequence of my life. My Eyes widened to a thought, how does she know? Was This book a dead giveaway? My Phone vibrates again but longer indicating a message, reading the text of the person I was just thinking about I felt scrambled, if Tanika figured out everything quickly, then it's a sure fate sealed with this individual, it was time to face the music.

"I'm going to Church this Sunday" I blurted.

"Good for you" She laughs before glancing down to Rowan " Take him with you cause whatever demon that possess him in bed to have you walk like that day needs to be.
exorcised." She jokes throwing her head back.

It's good to see her fun and happy side, I could just get lost in this moment, and second off i will leave that demon be, I knew what I was getting myself into when I opened my legs to a wild jungle man, his unearthly beauty is just a bonus. Wait no - off topic.

"No, Cameron's church." Would Tanika know about that church? She has done her research well. She furrows her brows so deep I thought they get married and birth a unibrow.

"He has a church?"

"Not has more like his parents are bishops there."

"Ah, why there?"

"My mom wants me to find a - " The massage from my feet paused, in confusion I peered down, -big mistake- my eyes landed on a pair of dark sinister eyes, the death glare sent me shivers down my spine with a tingle in my Pussy, how did he-

"Friend, she wants you to find some new friends, so we can make a girls trip." Tanika chimes in quickly.

Rowan stared at me a little longer before returning to my feet, thick veins surface the top is his Calloused hands, pulls and squeezes become harsher, just like he is with my nipples. "Thank You" I mouth.

"Of all churches, why there?"

"The elites and rich"

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