Chapter 53 - First glance

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Rap music blasting through the speakers, shaking the window where I stood, peering down from above careful not lean in too close, I remembered now why I always avoided the gym and all its commercials. There they were scattered throughout what resembled a football field; dark green fake grass with black stirpes going on a straight line if anyone needed to run track, thudding sounds from men punching through a hanging bag with gloves on. The men flex with their large muscles and eight pack abs. Glistening form the excessive sweating, the women flaunting their bodies in the mirror while the men tried not to look before they ended up on TikTok.

The gym, if you want your summer body, and shape it to what you like, then the gym is where to be. Even if you come in and only vlog, the important thing is, is for people to see you walk inside.

I hate it.

The way this music blasts made the whole top floor shake; it's giving me a headache. My ass is too big in these shorts, my breasts are ready to spill out, I feel a draft in my butt cheeks, my thighs are huge and ugh, Oh God. Through the little reflection I am able to pick up from the window I can see the check in clerk at the desk trailing his eyes up my body before he licked his lips.

Clearing my throat I turned around, "Uh, I'm - " fuck what was that detectives name again? His eyes are locked on me, Jet black hair, with grey eyes while he sports a mustache resting on to of red thick lips.

He playfully cocks a brow while he leans in closer to me coming in downwards, "Hmmmm," Masculine physique with green veins traveling down his forearms, the ac he stood under made it more prominent. Following my eyes, he paused his gum chewing to discreetly flex, the veins bulge out thickly. He is doing all that and yet he is surrounded by paper.

He's one paper cut away from dying.

"Give me your name again?"

"Jane, Jane Desiline? I am a guest for some - " my voice faded, I got distracted by watching a large female body builder taking the elevator, her muscles were bigger than Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the day. She had to pose to get inside. I cringed.

Following my gaze, "Yea, they are training for a competition. But anyways yea, got you Jane, your here under Jonathan."

Who? "Uh, yea" I smile awkwardly.

"Here go ahead and write your number down so we can verify you." Placing a pen and a small, ripped piece of paper in front of me.

"O-Oh alright, also I uh invited a friend under that person as well if that was ok."

"The more the merrier" he winked, chewing his gum obnoxiously while his dark eyes send me hungry looks.

I'm almost done writing my number when a body heat stepped closer behind me, I watched a hand slither on top of mine, deep breathy accent whisper in my ear. "Found you."

Gripping the pen from my hand he smoothly slid the paper into his palm, glanced at it "Guests, don't have accounts, there is nothing to verify." before ripping the paper and sliding it into his pocket.

"Let's go" sliding his hands around my waist my breasts brushing against his stomach. The boy watched us before winking at me seductively until we disappeared in the elevator. Within seconds of the door closing, I was pressed against the wall, his head dips to my neck inhaling my scent, pressing the evidence of his muscular body into mine.

What the Hell? "Uh, you ok there?"

"No," he groaned.

"Want to go to the hospital?"

He chuckles breathily, "No Jane, you just drive me crazy" the elevator lands and he moved away, I finally got a glance; black shirt with gym shorts with what looks like leggings underneath. Great he's more covered than me.

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