Chapter 48 - Intervene

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Warning, nonconsensual touching down below!

"The guy that saved you, I bet he is still in the picture somewhere, still hiding him in your room?" Crossing a leg over the other he chuckles. Blue eyes pierce right through my body, though he stares at my eyes I just know he'll catch anything from the corners.

Discreetly I shift my body trying not to swallow thickly but I can feel the bile rising quickly. I need to stay vigilant, from the way he's talking I don't think he saw Rowan Directly. "N-no that was uh my boyfriend."

His smile faded, darkness swallowing his eyes before he chuckled breathily "You? Not to rain on your parade you're not exactly anyone's preferences."

He's trying to hurt you stay calm, my anxiety has other plans "I mean, say that to all my messages and partners." Goddamn.

He stares at me for a moment longer processing the words before Nodding his head in acceptance "You're a slut."

I wanted to stand up for myself but only fell further "what no I -"

"Now it all makes sense" he chuckled bringing his body closer the edge.

"I - no, that's no -"

"How much do you charge? Just asking for a friend" He chuckles interrupting me.

Abruptly I stood "enough, I'm sick of this Philip, of this nonsense, since the beginning of your relationship with Justine it was evident you never liked me, and to be honest now I truly don't care in fact I see the both of you deserve each other and all your toxic mess that I no longer want to be a part of, you win, I'm done playing a game I never asked to join in the first place, you can move in if you want its yours, I'm moving out. It's clear she chooses herself and you in the end anyway now that everything went south, so no point in trying."

Philip listened carefully to everything eyes soft but still an expression "What do you mean by everything?"

Shit, choose wisely "Stuff alright, just some girl things." My chest is beginning to heave violently, I never know when to put my foot in my mouth ... or was that how the expression goes? Either way I just can't shut up. I feel the wind baring down on my body and it felt like I was holding a gorilla on my shoulders. Philip stands slowly while his eyes trail over my body.

"Does Justine know something?"

I say nothing else staring at him, even when he got closer to me, forehead to chest. Tears brimming from his expensive cologne. Snapping his fingers "Ah, that's right. Why would you tell me right? No, you want to protect your little night and shining armor," he laughs. "No, I just need to ask the inside source, someone who would know everything." He stepped in closer abruptly, my breast brushing over his torso, "And believe me, it won't be tough getting just the information I need." He chuckles still moving in closer to me.

By that point, I have chosen to get burned into the fire, that bodyguard is going to have a field day with me, but I needed to at least try "Goodbye Philip," trying to move around his body keeping my eyes to the floor, I felt his rough hand wrap around my arm and in a flash, I was whipped back to his chest. My butt hitting against his abdomen made him groan silently, his whole body swallows mine from behind.


Instantly I feel his hands begin groping my breast, "Where are you going slut? I'm going to give you what you want."

Struggling against him was futile, I never wanted to give him the satisfaction of me being weak, but his strength was overpowering, he wraps both his arms around my body tightening his grip, both my arms are ceased. All I can move was the elbow down which I took use of trying to hit his manhood that seemed to keep hardening with all my movements.

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