Chapter 46 - Repulsion

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I have officially fallen victim to the stalker faze, the term 'feeling of being watched' set an all-time high, this is what I get for fingering myself out into the green horizon, a land that isn't mine, yet I soiled them with my pussy fluid. I should have followed my gut feeling when it told me to turn back, this was the second time I ignored the warning and the consequences came a thousand times harder than Rowan's doggy style thrusts, I'm a zombie.

The thought of Rowan brought me into a low mood, not only did I now discover I've been watched from the beginning, but I have become someone's side pleasure, the very two things I feared, I can just hear my toxic mother rambling on about the situations I can't control. Humiliated and broken, I don't even think I know what bothered me more, Rowans Girlfriend or his grandmother being a complete stalker, invading my privacy like this. I'm no better, I listened to detective Justine Timberlake go to town on someone over the phone and shamelessly played with myself.

My mind blank, I can't feel any emotion, even as I walk right through the protesters, I bet they are loud but all I can hear is the ringing sound of silence. Left to right I'm being bumped from the reporters and the women's march, my unstable balance allows me to be tossed around like meat. Just when I thought my life was finally taking a turn it always ends up crashing and burning one way or another. For some reason Rowan is what is bothering the most, I hate him, I hate how I allowed myself to be easily fooled yet again, I hate how he is all I think about, I hate his beautiful face I hate his monstrous dick ... I hate how I can feel myself crying to the thought of him and I hate my heart for beating at the thought of him.

I never wanted to see him again; I blindly trusted him, and he let me down. I felt the hot tear drops fall on my shirt, the noise came back, and my ears nearly exploded I'm losing my balance being shoved from all sides, I walked right into a protest while my mind wondered away, I can't locate a proper exit everywhere I turned were women and or police from all sides shoving and pushing. Near the man with the brown suit was a small opening to freedom, hastily I walked trying to stable my footing when the riot soon turned violent, shouting and brute force, the women were being tossed and manhandled. Soon I would have been mistaken for a protester and would have found myself on the ground in handcuffs, near the exit I almost got to before I was suddenly shoved so hard, I flew right through the crowd. I felt the wind knock out of me when I received a blow right on my nose leaving behind a stinging burn, the man's elbow made harsh contact with my nose nearly breaking my skull. The ringing in my ears was deafening or maybe I already went deaf. My vision blurred and spinning, not helping me keep my footing at all, stepping with one leg over the other.

The crowd of women roared back throwing tampons from the brutality, throwing used tampons and paint onto the officers, not holding back as they pushed back in sync. My head was still spinning and with one more shove I was suddenly out of the crowd. Into the chill, no people, no crowds but a tall Beaming light that seemed to be coming directly towards me with full speed. Blinking out repeatedly my mind finally stabled and a different roar made its way through my canal, they were all screaming together in warning. Looking back at the fuzzy figures I caught looks of worry with eyes wide as saucers.

What are they looking at? What is going on? A few turns away shielding their eyes while the rest extend their hands towards me. I took a step only to fall on my knees, the pain from my bones shook me out of my deliriousness and that's when the sound of a trunk honking made way to my canal, shattering my ear drums with its speakers. Slowly do I turn my head towards the blinding light nearly having to crane my neck, bright white lights coming from the sky, like the Angel of death.

This time it wasn't my curiosity, it was a mere accident, but it looked as if I wouldn't be able to learn from this one. My heart was strangely quiet, I don't hear it at all, normally it rams in my ear like drums giving me the opportunity to think logically but even it could see now, it will be the last time, a chilly wind swallows me blowing backwards, my clothes clinging to my skin, wind kissing my scalp, the honk was louder the closer it got, my cheeks were icy from the tears, I thought they long subsided but they never stopped this whole time. This was the end for me, my mind is the only thing spiraling --playing back everything I am going to miss in life--.

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