Part 43

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(A/N- Happy New Years to everyone! Hope we grow together in the following year! Let's all just have a great year without any negativity!) 

School had passed rather quickly, and Alex, Liam and Malia were running through the woods. 

For some, it may look very simple with three teens running around and being hyperactive but in reality, Alex was teaching the two a newer form of control. One both Malia and Liam seemed to learn quicker than Scott's methods. 

"This feels great!" Malia yelled as she surpassed Liam and ran next to Alex who shifted into her werewolf form as she prepared for the cliff jump. As the inhumane distance neared. The girls jumped at a normal pace. Liam on the other hand, jumped a bit... weirdly and flew straight into them which caused the three werewolves to miss their landing and tumble down into the lake beneath the cliff. 

They stared at each other before bursting out in a fit of laughter. 

"We'll work on your werewolf parkour a bit more next time." Alex wheezed as she checked her watch. "Your father will be looking for your arrival in 10 minutes, better get going." she added making Liam scramble to his feet and run to the left side, then come back running the other way as he shouted: "Wrong way!" 

Alex and Malia got out of the water and laid out on the grass to dry off in the warm sun. 

"You know I'm one of the only people who know that you and Peter are mates, and actually believe it?" Malia stated. 

"You're not uncomfortable about it are you?" Alex asked. 

"Why would I be? He may be my dad, but we still need to get to know each other. Do you know where he is? We know he escaped Eichen not long after you did." Malia explained while taring her gaze from the sky to Alex before adding: "But I'm not calling you mom!" 

"You don't have to." Alex giggled, "I see you much more like my little sister. Which is weird since you and my twin... you know." Malia blushed and Alex continued: "I don't know where Peter is. I know he's struggling with control after being drugged. He probably went somewhere he knew would be safe... Somewhere, where, no one, would, look..." Alex trailed off. 

"You either know or have an idea where he is." Malia stated. 

"I know he's safe. That's all that matters. We'll reunite when the time comes..." Alex trailed off. 

"Can I tell you something?" Malia suddenly asked, her voice sounding a bit more stressed than before. 

"Go ahead, I'm all ears." 

Malia took a deep breath before explaining how she and Theo were driving, then she got a vision of her real mother- the Desert Wolf- who was responsible for her family's car crash. 

At first, Alex was at a loss for words, then she simply held Malia's hand, the closest one to her at least, and said: "We have something else in common then, my mom wanted me dead from the start." But this didn't seem to calm Malia's nerves. "I'll protect you no matter what, okay? If you feel unsafe, you can literally move in with me, I got extra bed space and I don't mind being your little spoon if you need me to be." 

Malia sat up, tackling Alex into a hug full of gratefulness. 

"Now it's my turn to reveal something to you... No one else knows about this and I don't think anyone should find out any time soon." Alex explained. 

"You keep my secrets I keep yours." Malia told her, sitting upright to hear what could possibly be that big of a secret. 

"It started when I was on a hunt after Allison's death... I found this guy who experimented on others to make them hybrids... He called himself Dr. Kill-ao. He was a werewolf who wanted immortality. He'd killed a lot of supernaturals because they either tried to kill him or the experiments failed... I killed him before he could kill his only successful experiments..." Alex trailed off, sitting upright to continue, "Twins, Experiment 666 squared. Now Legally named Lilith and Jessica. They were practically dead when I found them, Lilith is half Demon, half human and Jessica is half Vampire, Half witch... Malia, I-I adopted them." 

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