Part 16

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"Remember the three rules when seducing someone-"

"I know, One: look the part" -a very short dress with cute black tights that showed enough cleavage, ass and legs to look hot but not inappropriate.

"2. get his attention." A bit of hips swaying in a dance with a non-effective glass of alcohol in hand and a cute smile with an added wink in his/her direction.

"and 3. signal Sam and Dean once things get heated enough to be taken away." A small dip in a dance with a wink in their direction as Dean shakes his head.

"Wanna get out of here?" her target asked, Alex fakely giggled and nodded.

The two got in a fancy car. A Porsche. The impala was following in the distance but a tracker was placed on the car to be sure they wouldn't lose the car.

In a deep part of the woods in their area. The car came to a stop near a set of cottages. The muscular man took Alex to a more secluded one a bit further away. With an deep chuckle the man kissed her. Lust, pure lust was the fuel in the kiss. She personally couldn't decide if she liked it or not.

She was currently in a relationship type of thing with Derek Hale... Derek, the man who had been calling her non-stop all summer. He was worried that she left, she hadn't talked to him since he tried to kill Jackson... she hadn't talked to anyone from Beacon since then.

As things got intense, going to a further step, fighting and gunshots were heard and the man stopped.

"Come back, baby~" Alex sung in order to get the man to not find out about their operation.

Smirking he did so, but what surprised her is that he kissed her then cuffed her hands to the bed frame.

"I should have known!" he animalistically growled at her, "I'll deal with you later." he said and rushed out.

More gun shots were heard,  the taste and scent of blood was surfacing in the air and getting stronger. Then, suddenly the noise seemed to lessen and the door was thrown open.

"This one belong to you?" he asked, showing an unconscious Dean Winchester.

"Dean! I swear to god, Sebastian!" Alex thrusted at the cuffs, only for them to burn her. Wolfsbane laced. She noticed.

"Oh don't get your panties in a twist. He's alive... for now. I'm going to kill both of them in front of you. Then have my fun." he told her and threw Dean to the ground. Then walked out and locked the door.

"Dean! God DAMN IT!" Alex yelled. She pulled her sleeve up and took a deep breath before using the angel veins to enable her angel vision. This time though, werewolves were red and humans were blue.

She first checked Dean. He was alive, just as she was told. Then she focussed on outside, which was when she saw how Sam was starting to lose his battle. A werewolf was over him, he shot it. Then was out of bullets.

"Shit!" she heard him yell as the werewolves started coming closer.

Her vision went back to normal but her eyes were darker. With one strong thrust, the chains broke. Alex kicked the door off its hinges and started at the back of the battlefield. Killing every werewolf she could get her hands on. There wasn't an inch of her body that didn't have blood on it. It started to rain but that didn't help wash the red out of her vision.

Especially not, when all the werewolves except the werewolf Alpha were dead. Said Alpha was on top of a fighting and injured Sam. She slowly walked closer and aggressively kicked him off of Sam, sending him flying into a nearby tree. Sebastian was on attack but Alex was stronger, the two rolled around on the forest floor for a good few minutes before she finally got the grip needed to saddle him. Her white claws surfaced and slashed at him, after the second slash, which just happened to be at his throat, he was dead but she did not stop. She kept going. Slicing through the flesh of the dead alpha, blood coated every inch of her entire being, it didn't matter if it was raining, it stuck to her like a magnet.

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