Part 26

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Alex and Peter were once more on a walk when Alex suddenly came to a stop, a stinging pain in her leg. They ignored it until Derek called Peter for help, Stiles was missing. 

At the mention of her brother's name, Alex bolted, managing to escape the leash Peter attached to her. Peter couldn't catch her even if he wanted too, so he rushed to Derek. 

Alex sped through the woods, ducking her head slightly as she ran to get too Stiles. She was attempting to track him by scent but she couldn't catch him, so she felt for him. Searching the whole of Beacon Hills with her newfound ability which is connected with Beacon Hills. 

She ran, sprinted even. Her large wolf form making it a lot easier and faster to get there. 

When she did, Stiles was whimpering. Alex whined, pressing her nose against his cheek. 

"Stiles? Please," she whined placing her head on his shoulder only to feel pain, pain she was relieving him of. 

 Shining blue veins glowed underneath her wolf fur as she started trying to take the pain, only to see a show-like person advance towards her. She took a fearful step back, her leg attaching to a bear trap as well and she was pulled into unconsciousness. 


Stiles was on the phone, trying to explain the enviroment. He mentioned a white wolf appearing, it was caught in a trap as well, only the trap on his leg wasn't real. When it awoke, the wolf looked around. 

"Stiles! Oh thank Chuck!" it cried, Alex's voice cried. 

"Alex?" Stiles cried. 

"Yes, where are we?" she asked him. 

"I don't know," he whispered. 

A bandaged man appeared, right in front of her. "I'll wait for you, I won't wait long." was all it said. Alex, thinking the Destruction had taken over a new from, was fearful for it. Fearful enough that she suddenly turned human. 

"I think Alex's spirit is trapped with me," Stiles whispered whilst he cried. 

"Stiles! Get Peter to track my scent!" Alex ordered loudly. 

But his phone had died. The bandaged man asked a riddle, aiming it at the twins without making it truly visible that he was doing it. The answer ot the question: Everyone has it but no one can lose it? Your shadow. 

Right after that, both Alex and Stiles were pulled out of a cayote den. 

Alex was still a wolf, only she now had a bloody leg. Stiles cried as Melissa tried to calm him down. 

Rapheal was trying to unclench the trap from her leg but she kept trying to bite him. 

"Here, let me try." Melissa stated. 

"I hope to god you aren't another werewolf," she whispered as she pried the thing from Alex's leg.

She walked over to Stiles, refusing to leave his side. "If you can hear me, thank you. Mama McCall." Alex barked making both Melissa and Stiles look at her in shock. 

"Oh my god!" Melissa cried. 

"If you're gonna start crying about his twin sister again, I might have to ler someone else drive." Rapheal state. 

"Can I bite him?" she asked Stiles whose teary eyes never left her as he shook his head. 

They took Stiles into the hospital, Alex still refused to leave her brother even though her leg was broken from the bear trap and couldn't seem to reset properly. 

Melissa seemed reculant to tell everyone that she and Stiles had heard Alex's voice. Thinking it was the wolf but Peter ran in. 

"Where's the wolf? The one that he said was with him?" he urged. 

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