Part 36: Monster... or beautiful monster?

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Alex was recovering from her technically dead experience. She couldn't move without seeming to be in pain but she covered it well. Lucifer was the only was too see past it, and her werewolf best friend of course. 

Speaking of the broody werewolf, he and his newest girlfriend had popped by to get her help. 

"Luci. I need you to go find Stiles and Lydia, okay?" she kindly ordered making him nod with a sad smile. 

"Don't lose yourself too much, you still have a life to live." he smiled, he knew what she was going to do. 

"I'll catch up with you two. I just need something first." she told them, making the two leave in a rush. 


At the Argent warehouse, two assassins were aiming at a girl who was calling for Brett. 

Alex jumped at one, brutally murdering the man she did so for a few others. It was like her mind went completely blank. Only one word remained on repeat. Over and over again, Alex heard her mother and everyone she'd ever cared for say: "Monster." 

When everything came to a sudden stop, Kira was the one to notice that Alex was killing with hunters' equipment, rather than the fangs and claws she could naturally summon, and she wasn't the only one to notice. 

Satomi approached Alex with a solemn look on her face: "Relax, dear. We have won the battle." 

"But not the war." Alex's voice sounded like a growl. 

"But now you need to calm down, build your anger to fight the war." Satomi reassuringly told her. Only too Alex, the so-called war was the reason her anger was taking over. She couldn't summon her werewolf claws, fangs or glowing eyes but she still had her strength, smell, growl and speed.

She got home rather quickly. Where her father was entering with his arm in a sling. 

"What happened? Are you okay?" she asked and rushed over to him. 

"Are you?" he asked. He had always been able to see when she wasn't sleeping, or eating, or when she started 'going dark' even before she was 100% supernatural. 

"I'm fine, dad. Just tired." she replied and shrugged off her bag of weapons as she approached him. 

"Alex? What are you-" "Helping," she gave him a pointed look as her hands were lifted to be near his face, her pointer and middle fingers touching each side of his temples as her body pulsed for a second. 

She saw him on the ground for a second, blood over his body. "Monster." he muttered before the image faded to be her father looking at her teary eyes. 

"You're not okay, are you?" he asked which made Alex give him a tight-lipped shake of the head. 
"I'm not, but I will be. The full moons tomorrow. I have a feeling it's gonna be eventful, which means I need my sleep. Your wounds will be healed by dawn." she told him and walked up her room. 

Though she was attempting to fall asleep, she did hear everything around her... including her brother being frantic about Kate taking Kira and Scott, Chris being MIA, and everything else. She heard Lucifer creep in through her window and turned to him. 

"We sleep until the nightfall of the full moon. I'll wake you up and we'll follow them to Mexico, okay?" Lucifer told her, she surprisingly nodded and turned around to fall asleep. He needed her to relax... 


Having purposely not woken Alex up had its consequences and Lucifer was willing to pay them if he could figure out what was haunting her. All he got was one word, not from her mind but her mouth, as she gasped and sat up. Signaling the end of her slumber. 

Beautiful MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now