Part 34

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"Derek! I don't know what this is! It's freaking me out and Both Scott, Kira and Malia are infected. I seem to be the only one in this school whose supernatural and not infected! I let them too the Hale vault and guess what I found out-" she ranted until she started too feel sick and a wave of fear overtook her body like a shock. 

"Alex? Alex!?!" Derek called out to her on the other side. 

"Stiles." she muttered and hung up her phone, running towards where she could feel her brother was. 

Only when she neared she noticed one of the Professors with a gun aimed at her brother. 

She quickly summoned her claws and growled, low enough for her to attract the mans attention. 

Then, while seeing that she wasn't sick, his face fell but his aim returned too her brother. 

"I heard that killing you might just as well kill her. Let's find out," he quickly spoke and pulled the trigger twice. 

Alex's movements were fast as time around her slowed. Her body covered her brothers, almost like she was pulling him in for a tight hug. The tattoo on her arm burned slightly as she focused the energy of her shield to surround Stiles. 

A bullet embedded in her shoulder and another in her lower back, just below her heart.  She gasped at the pain but turned around with a flickering red glow in her eyes. In fact, the glow died almost immediately. 

Touching the wound on her back, her blood stung. Alex looked up at the man in surprise: "Wolfsbane..." she trailed off. "And molten angel blade." he smirked. 

"You forgot one thing." she told him as she released from her concerned brother. 

"I'm a fallen angel, yes. But my grace is archangel." she smirked and pulled a gun from her boots. She aimed at him, her finger lightly touching the trigger before she fell, her body hit the floor and she was out like a light. 

The professor shrugged and said: "Now that, that's over. Where were we?"

His gun was against Stiles temple as the spazic boy asked if he was trying to scare him which only resulted in a death threat. 

Stiles closed his eyes, unwilling too give away his friends' location. A gunshot sounded, making him flinch horribly as blood splattered on his face, but he was alive... he opened his eyes only too see a CDC personelle standing with a gun. 

Rapheal McCall took the hazmat suit off and gave Stiles the information Melissa instructed him too then looked at the unconscious and bleeding girl on the ground. 

"Take her too the hospital! Please!" Stiles begged, only Rapheal was looking at the gun that laid on the floor. "That is a weapon that could tie so many cases..." he trailed off, looking at Stiles as if trying too see if he knew his sister was a murderer. 

"You wont find anything. She covers her tracks like nothing I've seen before." Stiles told him confidently. 

"If I take her in, she could possibly be arrested for life." he told Stiles once more. 
"Just take her to the hospital! Melissa, our dad... Scott. We'll never forgive you if she were to die." Stiles snapped. 

Realizing the threat behind Stiles' words, Rapheal slowly lifted Alex from the ground, giving her gun to Stiles, and said: "Keep that close, use it to protect yourself. I'll take her to Melissa." 

That was the only time he'd ever seen Stiles appreciate him and he knew that his redemption now laid with the girl in his arms... With letting go of work for once. 

So he rushed towards the hospital, yelling at the nurses to get him Melissa.

His yelling, unfortunately, was loud enough for Alex to register she was moved by someone she didn't trust. 

Beautiful MonstersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora